How to get a puppy to stop biting legs and shoes?

2016-08-22 12:27 pm
We have a 10 week old mini bull terrier puppy he is normally really good and will not his teething rings when his teeth hurt, but recently every time he wakes he goes crazy consistent biting shoes, ankles, hands whatever goes near his face, humping and jumping and he just won t stop or let go. I was trying distracting with a toy which worked for a little while, pushing him away just makes him come back faster, he ignores no and a smack on the nose or bottom, I m trying not to time out him in his crate because I don t want him to connect him with punishment.

I m thinking maybe he needs more exercise him but we can t walk him for another 3 weeks, please help!

回答 (4)

2016-08-22 3:41 pm
It's called training, try it. This requires a lot of patience, consistency, diligence, time, 6-18 months if done properly, constant supervision, containment only when you can't, not necessarily in a crate, but in some safe area that is also easily cleanable.

Don't allow this poor behavior, correct it immediately.

Dog proof your premises, put everything away so it can't access anything, such as shoes. Discourage any other poor behavior such as "humping and jumping immediately. Do not reward poor behavior with a toy. Smacking is abuse and only teaches him to fear you and to retaliate by biting. Dogs don't understand "time out" and it teaches them nothing. Never punish, correct.

He can be walked on your property where no other dogs have been. Walking is not exercise, it's for elimination only. He needs aerobic exercise such as playing fetch and mental stimulation such as obedience training daily in addition to elimination times.

If there is no improvement in six months seek professional help for yourself on how to train a dog properly.

Once trained, you must continue to enforce what was taught on the daily basis for the life of the dog.
2016-08-22 12:38 pm
He is trying to interact with you, its annoying but its what they are used to. He's left his entire litter. All they used to do was play all day.
There are several methods to stop a puppy mouthing, you have to be consistent and persistent as with all training.
You can yelp loudly and ignore him, use an anti chew spray, and use a water pistol.
The point of redirecting them to a toy is that they want to interact with you - you have to play with them using the toy. they learn to mouth the toy, not you.
Time out doesnt work, they dont understand it. He wants attention.

Take him out into the yard and kick a ball around for him. Wear him out, and do some puppy training while you play with him.
then take him indoors and put him in his bed with a chew.
2016-08-22 12:35 pm
Keep telling him no and correcting him. Praise for appropriate behavior
2016-08-22 1:43 pm
Try putting some ointment on things that you don't what your pup to bite. He would stop biting due to the bitter taste. Don't use something toxic; try some bitter foods that are safe.

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