Is Rihanna the most perfect woman alive? aesthetically?

2016-08-22 8:13 am
The Amber Heard thing. I highly doubt anyone would coin her the prettiest person on earth -_- I'd say Rihanna has the best face. Opinions?

回答 (11)

2016-08-22 8:24 am
She's not even half as good looking aesthetically as Megan Fox. Plus she is black. If perfect means physically not attractive because dna barriers alter ones appearance to have less strong genes. Then she is as perfect as they come. Except she's not perfect, she's a black lady who's supposed to rap caustic and offensive like Jay-Z. Talking about smuggling cocaine, making crack, shooting people up and stealing gang territory while doing gang stuff. Riding around in yachts from selling billions in cocaine.

Instead she's this lame poetry based artist that sings pop songs probably written by the same guy who writes justin beibers music.

She's great except wtf does shining like a diamond have to do with crack deals and rap? GTFO of here with that, you shitty rapper. You're not even rapping, f'n liar.

She is not perfect.
2016-08-22 8:18 am
She is cute, but I don't think she's the most perfect woman alive.
2016-08-22 8:15 am
2016-08-22 8:14 am
I literally had a dream about her last night that i was piping her down
2016-08-22 8:43 am
Rihnna is question about it.....

Amber Heard...when fully made up with the team of make up artists and hair stylists..........My GOD........that's just perfection right there. .......

ridiculously flawless. Clearly, a stunning , statuesque woman with Amazing features.

You would have to be stone blind not to see that .
2016-08-22 8:18 am
You really haven't seen many women, then.
2016-08-22 8:14 am
No Lana Del Rey is.
2016-08-22 8:14 am
She is exquisite.
2016-08-22 11:30 pm
she is hot and above average beautiful but she's not the "Most" . she is famous that is why she developed that appeal .
2016-08-22 12:34 pm
esthetically's still debatable...

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