Why is it difficult to pinpoint exactly when the Middle Ages was?

2016-08-21 2:02 pm

回答 (9)

2016-08-21 3:36 pm
OK, if you think it should be possible to "pinpoint" the dates, then tell us what those pinpoints are. On April 23, 489 A.D., did some Visigothic lord announce, "Ach! Dudes! It ist now das Middle Ages!" and everybody suddenly started singing epic video game music and bashing each other with maces, or what?
2016-08-21 2:23 pm
When we say the Middle Ages, this means a very long span of time, during which Europe underwent a lot of changes.

We tend of think of the rediscovery of Greek philosophy as something that happened after the Middle Ages, whereas during the period called the High Middle Ages, Aristotle became important because the very influential theologian Thomas Acquinas studied this Greek philosopher's works and used them in his writing. The sophistication of technology in the High Middle Ages is seen in the great Gothic cathedrals.

The history books have tended to describe the Renaissance as like night becoming day in Europe, but there are different opinions about whether Renaissance Europe was really that different from Europe in the Late Middle Ages, Some think Europe got out of the Middle Ages more slowly than the light suddenly coming on in the Renaissance.
2016-08-21 2:04 pm
It was in the middle of two other ages.
2016-08-22 7:47 pm
It is because times keep changing. Middle ages, get it?
So lets say it is:
500 AD=250AD
2016AD=1008AD. <--- Result of the middle ages. There is no middle ages but the half time between the time it is now cut in half.
So when it is the year 4032, right now would be the middle ages in our timeline.
2016-08-21 6:53 pm
Because reality does not always conform to artificial constructs.
Reality does not start and stop at an exact time and place, just like a beach does not actually START at one point with no sand at all afterward.

A month, for example is not one full lunar cycle and a tear is not exactly 365 days and a day is not exactly 24 hours.

Nature does not bend to man's attempts to pidgin hole it.
2016-08-21 4:44 pm
because it is there were different Ages The Romans ruled for a thousand years we class that as the first ages where civilization spread through Europe they broke up and we had the dark ages when there was much conflict and coming and going then the Normans this period I believe Brings the middle ages 1066 to 1400 then we had the beginnings of the Renaissance following
2016-08-21 4:05 pm
the middle ages began after the fall of the roman empire.
2016-08-21 3:28 pm
The Middle Ages started and ended at different times at different places.
2016-08-21 2:05 pm
Because we have limited records of that time. The Middle Ages supposedly started after the fall of the Roman Empire, and because this is over 1000 years ago, we don't have much information on the history and events that shaped the Middle Ages in that period of time.

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