It takes a strong person to remain single in a world that is accustomed to settling with anything just to say they have something. 什麽意思?

2016-08-21 1:11 pm

回答 (2)

2016-08-21 2:35 pm
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大意是說:這個世界早習慣了(accustomed)單身的人終究要找個伴結婚,安頓下來(settle with sb.)。不管這個伴是烏龜王八,還是歪瓜劣棗,反正擇偶就該飢不擇食,任何牛鬼蛇神都可以(anything),只要這是個伴就行。
所以在這個苛求每個人找伴侶的世界里,保持單身(remain single)的人其實都內心強大(strong person),因為他們的心間有所標準,有所追求(have something),絕不將就。
2016-08-21 4:16 pm
NB:-Don't just copy a popular proverb from somewhere.Homework is required to do at home by you !
This is a popular single inspirational posting on social networking sites', women especially, comment.
----It seems that the world has already got accustomed to single person who eventually has to find someone to get married and settle down.
----no matter how bad, dirty, disgusting, nasty a mate he is.
----as long as he has got something on the line announced.
----So everyone in this demanding world would try find partners, excepting those single strong- hearted but with a standard,
-----who will never do.

(1)When you became a single strong-hearted,
---you wouldn't need to accustom yourself to settle with somebody anything but something.
(2)The single strong-hearted should not become accustomed to settle with somebody anything but something.
(3)To settle with somebody anything but something is not the kind of settlement I (single+strong-hearted) am accustomed to.
(4)The transalation from E/C:-eg:-

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