Losing weight?

2016-08-21 3:23 am
I want to lose some belly fat before school starts thats in 17 days is there anything i could do to lose ot fast stop eating junk food excersies? Anything would help please

回答 (3)

2016-08-21 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most people would say exersice, but in reality your diet counts for 70% of how much you lose, I know cause I've searched it up and experimented on myself. It basically calories in vs calories out. Just make sure you burn more calories in a day than you eat. For example when I was on a diet I was only eating 1,500 calories a day (what food the calories come from does not matter) I was losing about 4 lbs a week. An average male uses about 2,500 calories a day while a female only uses about 2,000 there's also other thing to take into cosine ration like wight height and activity leve, some people have faster matabolism too. If I t helps I am 5'8 and was weight about 165 lbs when I started my diet, in 2 weeks you could probably lose about 10lbs. 5 per week, don't do any more than that as losing to much weight so fast can make you sick. And trust me 10 lbs may not seem like alot but it is, take pictures every week and see the progress for yourself. Good luck
2016-08-21 3:30 am
Start eating healthy and drinking lot water and do lot cardio
2016-08-22 10:44 am
Eat a helthy breakfast everyday. When you are hungry for a snack have an apple/orange/grapes/strawberries/fruit etc. Dont drink fizzy drinks as they are all full of sugar and have tonzons of calories. Cut out sweets/crisps/cakes etc. Stick with healthy foods. Drink plenty of water. Dont binge eat or just sit around all day you have to get moving
Exercise: go for a walk/jog/run or go to the gym. Look up on youtube exercises or Vickys 7 day slim.
Good luck wish you the best of luck
2016-08-21 3:42 am
17 days is a very short time period, try eating less junk food and soda, do some exercise; weight loss takes quite a while so be patient and lose weight not just because you want to appear slimmer in front of your friends but because you want to be healthier.
2016-08-21 3:24 am
Eats vegs fruits no beead m
No soft drinks water only and exercise walking up hills and 400 stomach crunches

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