No. None is superior to the other. We don't have our bonuses, genders are all made by society. We are human beings, not different animals. We have scientific differences, but depending on how you look at it, a woman giving birth and a man having more muscle mass are both "unique" traits and one could indefinitely argue they're both great. Instead, we are humans, some are faster than others, some are more quicker to be intelligent than others, some are wiser than others, some are more caring, and so forth. We shouldn't put a whole group on a pedestal.
Nope. Males get treated better in society because somethingmust have happened in the old days that made society wrongly think that men are superior. I'm assuming it's because hunting was extremely important back then, and mostly men hunted. So that led people to think men mattered more than women. Of course men tend to be PHYSICALLY stronger, but not everything is about physical strength. Actually most things aren't. Women have many advantages over men as well. For example, it's been proven that girls do better in school than boys. Both genders are different, but also equal.
There is no superior gender. Each gender is superior in their own way, women are actually more rational thinkers and are less likely to be violent etc. Making them mentally superior, however men are physically superior, so they are stronger, and would always hunt. Men are often seen as superior because they are physically stronger, so they might be seen as the protectors and like leaders, compared to women. However, males are aware that women are better mentally and are at risk of dominating them that way, so they used to, and still do in some cases, use their strength and physical dominance to basically restrain women because they were actually afraid of them rising and dominating the male/are instead. I'm not saying this always applies, but generally it does. Without each gender we couldn't survive because we each have our purpose, but i think we just need to be able to cooperate with each other.
ON AVERAGE men have superior physical strength to women, however ON AVERAGE woman have superior academic strength to men. Please, men, don't get offended, it isn't by a lot nor are men exactly idiots (neither are women exactly weaklings) and men are starting to catch up and close that gender gap. You could say that men are superior due to their size and strength meaning that they are a lot more likely to be the victor in a fight, however this being the information age you could say that women are superior. It is much more realistic to accept, though, that all differences between men and women are small and typically physical (as, again, while there is a difference between male and female intellect it is a small one) therefore there is not really a 'superior' gender. We're all equal and what makes our differences the most obvious is just society and its expectations of what makes a man or a woman.
They may possess superior muscular strength to most females but their brains are often controlled by the tackle in their pants.
I feel that in some spheres men are usually superior eg: heavy truck driving,
Car Mechanics, and other jobs that require physical strength, but women are superior in jobs that need mental brain power and make better politicians and Doctors and authors etc. Jmo.
So really in reality there is no 100% superior gender of the human race and the fact is, neither gender can survive this world without the other.
Nope. We can't measure if a person is superior to another because there are way too many factors and many of them are subjective. This also applies when we look at groups of people. We can't say one nationality is better than the other, one gender is better than the other, one race is better than the other, etc., because we can't put an objective value on any one human being or group of human beings. So for all intents and purposes, everyone is equal, regardless of gender, race, what have you.
"Are males the superior gender?"
Just as females aren't the superior gender either.
Males and females are, generally speaking, designed to complement one another. Yes, some of us don't factor into that equation (ie. as a gay man, a woman is never going to be my romantic soul mate, just as for my lesbian cousins a man will never be their romantic soul mate...and that is okay)...but for the majority, men and women fit together like keys and locks.
As a result, talk about one gender being superior to the other is absolutely ridiculous!
I am as weary of people claiming males are the superior gender as I am of people claiming females are the superior gender!
The facts of science proves, physically, generally men are 7-12% stronger, then women, because men have 3-5X's more testosterone, a hormone, usually called a male hormone, which makes men grow more and bigger muscles, and makes men more aggressive. But knowing that most jobs, do not require, extra strength. Sure, some jobs, do and you would find very few, or no women in the job. and some jobs, most women and some men would not want to do. Intellect wise, There are some men who are smarter then most women, and some women who are smarter then most men. Hedy Lamarr, a pin up actress of the 40's who help design radar, she was a sex symbol and smart. Same goes for men. Not fully sure why, maybe lack of encouragement at an early age, into a field, makes some jobs, generally more for men or women. Then it depends on what we see, as superior. A good, patient, responsible, caring adult, is my goal, of being the best I can be. I know there are people who might do a better job, then me, and some who I do better. But I will keep trying. That's all anyone can do, is look at the past, and do better.
In the human species like with most mammals males are the superior gender however with some animals like reptiles females tend to be the dominant ones. Or in some cases neither gender is superior such as ants who have a more 'my life for the empire' ideology and both males and females are equally as capable and preform identical jobs.
Though males are physically stronger than females, but the emotional and mental stability of both males and females depend mostly on their up-bringing, environment they live in etc. Some men are calm comparatively women but some regard them superior than women. This is the reason that this have been controversial question for ages that who's most superior- male or female?