Cats cats cats?

2016-08-20 9:21 pm
How many cats do you have? :p

回答 (135)

2016-08-23 10:10 am
2016-08-21 5:17 pm
2016-08-21 10:05 pm
2016-08-21 2:34 pm
2016-08-24 5:04 am
2016-08-24 1:59 am
2016-08-23 4:19 pm
2016-08-22 3:15 pm
2016-08-21 4:19 pm
2016-08-21 3:40 pm
2016-08-21 11:40 am
2016-08-21 5:49 am
I have 4 cats.
2016-08-21 12:00 am
2016-08-20 9:32 pm
2016-08-20 9:29 pm
2016-08-20 9:23 pm
2016-08-20 9:22 pm
i have 2 cats
2016-08-25 5:51 pm
2016-08-25 9:30 am
2016-08-25 3:10 am
2016-08-25 2:29 am
2016-08-24 5:17 pm
2016-08-24 1:58 pm
2016-08-24 11:54 am
2016-08-24 7:58 am
2016-08-24 5:08 am
god damn you guys must not love your pu55ie5 lets time I was able to keep count I had around 43 it is great they all sleep with me at night... they fill the void in my life where i should have a human companion but nothing will ever be able to replace these pu55ie5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-08-24 3:02 am
2016-08-23 7:12 pm
2016-08-23 5:06 pm
2016-08-23 11:21 am
2016-08-23 9:56 am
2016-08-23 9:39 am
2016-08-23 8:19 am
2016-08-23 7:55 am
1 and we don't even want her
2016-08-23 7:18 am
2016-08-23 6:10 am
2016-08-23 4:16 am
2016-08-23 4:06 am
2016-08-23 3:20 am
2016-08-23 2:35 am
2016-08-22 11:48 pm
2016-08-22 10:56 pm
2016-08-22 10:51 pm
2016-08-22 9:32 pm
2016-08-22 5:40 pm
2016-08-22 4:37 am
2016-08-22 2:26 am
I have two barn cats that own me. They trained me to feed them and get them their shots and I didn't even invite them to live here. They just showed up and moved in.
They do keep the mice away from the horse feed, but one chases deer and it looks silly-deer running from a ***** cat.
2016-08-22 1:37 am
4 adults and 1 kitten (Kitten will be leaving for his new home in September)
2016-08-22 1:23 am
462 thousand
2016-08-21 7:11 pm
0 ;~; my cat died
2016-08-21 4:23 pm
I have 7 of them. Though they are all in a different state
2016-08-21 2:15 am
10. But it's not hoarding bc they're all very healthy and happy and well cared for. :)
2016-08-23 11:37 pm
2016-08-21 1:22 am
3. We got 2 sisters from a rescue place. They were left outside the door as kittens and we took them in. One of the sisters, Tara, is deaf but she doesn't seem to mind. She enjoys life to the fullest. The other sister is Emily. She had nothing wrong with her but she was a bit shy at first. Lastly, we got my cat stormy from someone who didn't want him while he was a kitten. We have them spayed and neutered of course but we love them dearly and they've been with us for quite a while.
2016-08-21 1:00 am
I have 4---3 are litter mates. There are 2 girls and 2 boys. They are all indoor. They all used to be barn cats at my neighbor's house.
2016-08-20 11:55 pm
I have 3 ginger cats. 2 are male, 1 is female (female ginger cats are rare). I got them after a cat gave birth to them under my shed then ran away when we tried to bring them all in (she did not want to stay). We tried to get he so we could stop her breeding anymore but we have not seen her since.
2016-08-20 10:07 pm
i have two cats.
i have one big pet cat 15-lbs, who goes in and out.
plus, one cat in the back garden.
then, one cat over the neighbors fence where she lives.
then, two cats which wander the neighborhood and come home to eat, occasionally.
there are few of the neighbor's cats come over to eat, hang-out or mate with the female cat in the back yard, about 3.
biological survey count is about 10-cats.
2016-08-20 9:37 pm
I have 3 indoor cats. There are 5+ feral cats in the TNR colony in our yard. The colony was already established when we bought the home about a year ago. I know for sure there are 5, but some of them are very shy. There might be more that I haven't seen.
2017-03-12 4:21 pm
2016-12-27 7:28 am
2016-10-28 9:32 pm
2016-10-20 6:14 pm
2016-08-28 1:30 pm
9 (NINE) yes I sure do!
2016-08-27 11:50 pm
2016-08-27 12:11 am
2016-08-26 11:19 pm
I gots 1 cat
2016-08-26 1:34 am
2016-08-26 1:03 am
2016-08-25 11:33 pm
8 kitty cats, I have a big home
2016-08-25 11:15 pm
I have six cats. All of them are outdoor and very kind and gentle. I love cats! Three male and three female.
2016-08-25 7:56 pm
3 kittens, 6 weeks old
2016-08-25 6:37 pm
2016-08-25 1:20 am
4 adult cats, 4 kittens and the momma is pregnant again so maybe 4 more? CATS, CATS, CATS.
2016-08-24 8:56 pm
19 and counting
2016-08-24 4:51 pm
2016-08-24 4:22 pm
2 brother ans sister
2016-08-24 3:11 pm
I have 3 little balls of fur <3
2016-08-24 11:06 am
none :(
2016-08-24 11:04 am
I have two cats right now. Had many in past.
2016-08-24 10:34 am
9 indoor, 2 feral outdoor
Indoor: Squeaker, Blue, Mr. Weasley, Sneakie Pie, Precious Mango, Angel, Lola Meowlana, Bacon and Bits.
Outdoor: Blackie and Lord Fluffbottom.
2016-08-24 6:30 am
I have four.
2016-08-24 6:27 am
2016-08-24 6:04 am
2016-08-24 5:05 am
69 tehe
2016-08-24 4:20 am
I want a cat really bad.
2016-08-24 1:27 am
I have five cats in my house, out of the five there is one that is my favourite, she was on meth, her old owners would blow the stuff in her till she would run into the smoke herself, my friend was over at the old owners trailer and the cat hopped in his car and he was already thinking about grabbing her and running so after he took her she was mean all the time I guess going through withdrawal, she would run into his cigarette smoke, she was one of the cats I was watching for him till I asked if I could keep her. now she just wants anything sugary so I have to hide any sweets in the house from her. Im not a cat person but I really love my ex-meth cat, one of the sweetest cats I've ever had.
2016-08-24 12:25 am
2016-08-24 12:24 am
Soon to b 3 (here in a few weeks)
2016-08-23 10:33 pm
None elergic
2016-08-23 8:57 pm
2 I love cats!
2016-08-23 8:52 pm
none - I never keep a cat
2016-08-23 7:46 pm
Just the 1 Persian
2016-08-23 7:24 pm
I have 60 I'm not lying I do really have 60 cats....No joke.....cause I'm a animal rescuer I have all types of animals.......EVEN HORSES ^_^'s alot of work.....but I Love them all....adios......-_-
2016-08-23 7:12 pm
1 ( like everyone else )
2016-08-23 6:52 pm
I have none because my dad hates cats. My neighbour has two
2016-08-23 1:45 pm
Zero cats
2016-08-23 4:17 am
2016-08-23 2:42 am
Beatrice from a backyard breeder, she's had 42 kittens :( she's now 18
Persia from an adoption program, no one wanted her because she's torteshell.. Dumb reasoning she's beautiful.
Oliver was a little rolly polly kitten going to the pound because he has extra long teeth and a bent tail.
Porcha was at the pound, to be put down because no one buys black cats apparently.

Love all my babies!
2016-08-23 2:39 am
2016-08-23 12:45 am
Two until we lost both during 2016. They were sisters from the same litter and we had to have them both put down at different times for different reasons. They were 15 years old and we miss them....hubby not ready to get another one of two yet, but we will. I find two is a good number of cats for us to have.
2016-08-23 12:44 am
0, I have a dog named Max, he is a shih tzu. I love both cats and dogs but I am allergic to cats and slightly allergic to dogs that shed.
2016-08-22 9:01 pm
Just the one, but she's Blue Russian and hypoallergenic! I got her from the SPCA that it took 3 hours to drive to. With my allergies, I am so grateful to have this cat!
2016-08-22 8:17 pm
it is now zero
2016-08-22 8:02 pm
2016-08-22 7:41 pm
2016-08-22 6:46 pm
Had 3, now 4 as we took in a stray who is just so lovely but 4 is enough!
2016-08-22 5:15 pm
Technically 3, but counting our cat's kittens, 6
2016-08-22 4:57 pm
1 bug ball of fat, fur, and love.
2016-08-22 4:45 pm
2016-08-22 3:17 pm
6. Billy, Hashirama, Tobirama, Kesha, Squealer and Zetsu Okotsuki
2016-08-22 3:10 pm
2016-08-22 1:46 pm
People with lots. Of cats ! Smell like their cats !
2016-08-22 1:06 pm
1 kitty and his name is Furball because he sheds NON-FUCKIN-STOP YEAR ROUND!!
2016-08-22 8:50 am
Well, officially, I have 2. Yet my older cat likes to bring other random cats inside alot. So... I guess like 15!? Wtf
2016-08-22 8:01 am
2016-08-22 6:54 am
as of yesterday none.
2016-08-22 6:40 am
2016-08-22 4:55 am
2016-08-22 4:44 am
3 cute cats! 2 black 1 kaki....I am blessed
2016-08-22 3:03 am
hate cats
2016-08-22 2:19 am
8 because they reproduced
2016-08-22 2:06 am
1 but im not even going to ave her in a couple of months.
2016-08-22 12:49 am
2016-08-22 12:07 am
2016-08-21 7:14 pm
1 and he is 18 right now.
2016-08-21 5:27 pm
3 and a bunny who thinks he is one
2016-08-21 12:44 pm
Over 9000
參考: I am vegita
2016-08-21 12:03 pm
no allergic to cats
2016-08-21 10:09 am
I'm allergic to them.
2016-08-21 9:22 am
Just the one, although I've been told my mum had about 15 when she was younger.
2016-08-21 7:37 am
I' m so very happy that 4 cat play together.
2016-08-21 1:50 am
I once had nine all at once! But now we have two very loving brother and sister kitties (Sister is older by five minutes!)
2016-08-20 10:24 pm
i have two male cats both neutered
2016-08-20 9:39 pm
I have two indoor cats.
2016-08-20 9:23 pm
none but ive thought of getting one except ive been out of work
2016-08-22 7:34 am
No, I hate cat.But i like dog because it is faithfulness and best for security.
2016-08-22 2:42 am
2016-08-21 3:32 am
I had 2 until June 19th. Now I have only one.

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