Ways to pay for a higher degree without accumulating debt?

2016-08-20 8:51 am

回答 (1)

2016-08-20 1:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Get a scholarship. Get a fellowship. Get a graduate assistantship. Participate in a work-study program where you work for the school in return for free admission. Work part-time in a normal job using the money to pay for classes in the evening. Find a rich relative who will pay for your tuition. Find a job where as one of your benefits they will pay for work-related higher education. Save enough money before you go back to school. Get married to someone who has enough money to pay for your tuition. Get a government grant of some sort that pays for part of your tuition.
2016-08-20 9:10 am
Get a library card and spend some months reading learning how to get educated locally for minimum costs

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