Where do emancipated teens get money from?

2016-08-20 12:53 am
Teens can't get good jobs, so how do they afford basic costs of living?

回答 (5)

2016-08-21 2:04 pm
There's no Santa Claus, Emancipation Fairy, or Obama give-away (yet) for teens who think they're better-off without parents.

Emancipation wouldn't be granted without an examination of the teen's ability to self-support/sustain themselves. If home circumstances are so terrible that the teen is in danger of harm and can't self-support, the court would remove them and place in foster care, group home or such.
2016-08-20 3:12 pm
They work as lifeguards and make $20 an hour for wearing a swim suit and sitting on a throne. Easiest job i ever had.
2016-08-20 7:31 am
they have jobs and tend to have roommates and such.
2016-08-20 12:57 am
They live with roommates, don't have cars and eat lots of ramen. And many of them drift into drug dealing or prostitution.
2016-08-21 2:09 am
These days they may be IT techs, repair PC's electronics, etc. etc. Technoligy can be used by young men/women to make money.
2016-08-20 2:21 am
Emancipated teens are mostly child celebrities, heirs and those with entrepreneur skills. Emancipation isnt for the average teen who is working at McDonalds.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:39:44
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