Has anyone ever met a hardcore feminist that knows how evolution works?

2016-08-20 12:38 am
And if so, does that feminist also have a credible academic background? Like are they a nurse or an engineer or lawyer or something like that? Because most of the hardcore, bitchy feminists I know are only in arts programs at most in college (and Im in canada so college isnt the same as uni)

回答 (8)

2016-08-20 12:52 am
Yes. Most adult people, whether they identify as feminist or not, understand the basic idea of evolution. Do you need it explained to you, in simple terms?
2016-08-20 2:27 am
I've never met a feminist that understood science of any kind.
2016-08-20 1:13 am
Umm,they're still stupid,the fact that they're feminists which is an ideology full of hate and nonsense.
2016-08-20 2:56 am
There is no correlation between not understanding evolution and feminism, if that's what you're asking. Plenty of dumb conservative redneck male chauvinists have no idea about evolution. Many don't even believe in it.
2016-08-20 1:26 am
I'm sure there must be one somewhere, but I've never met her. A feminist with a degree, or experience in a field, that requires logical thinking. Surely there is one somewhere. They seem to be off in some land of fantasy, where Oprah is omnipotent, and men are superfluous.
2016-08-20 1:09 am
No I haven't met a hardcore feminist that knows how evolution works but I don't know that many people.

I do know a lot of women who work in STEM fields but none of them have said anything to me that could be taken as for or against feminism. They don't really mention feminism at all. They're more concerned about getting their job done than talking ideology.
2016-08-20 1:27 am
I think they have a vague understanding of it, much as most people do BUT they think it magically doesn't touch human men and women. Sexual dimorphism? Different brains and different hormones leading to different choices? Oh no! That must be something Paul Elam dreamed up! Feminists are clueless about so many things b/c they substitute their fantasies for facts.
2016-08-20 1:13 am
People I meet have a name they go by, and not this way of a female is what is on their birth certificate, is what they call themselves, w/o having their own name, that matters more than this does, to call on someone specifically..and as a group, there is the possibility that they relate to something other than this, as well.

The pleasure principal is what evolution is about. Because people want/need what is good, and that's a pleasure.

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