How to get my own room?

2016-08-19 9:47 pm
Im in high school and I share a room with my younger brother. I have OCD and he's the messiest person i know. Theres so many struggles sharing a room with him. Plus we have 4 bedrooms in the house, so theres 2 guest rooms! How do i convince my parents to let me get my own room.

回答 (5)

2016-08-19 9:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Here are some general suggestions I make to younger teens in case you might get some helpful ideas from them. Ask to have a serious discussion with your parents about how they see things panning out in the coming months and years. It needs to be fairly rational, so if one of you becomes too emotional (e.g. angry) it would be best to time out and try again another time. Prepare in advance what you would like to say and ask: write a plan, even.

As you reach each birthday, for example, or each new school year, what rights, freedoms and responsibilities will you have? Chores, pocket money, curfews, dating, etc. will all come into it, obviously. You can't really expect something for nothing, so think about what you can put into the family and household as part of your negotiations as to what you can get.

If you are to grow into a responsible adult, it must be a gradual process: if they keep you wrapped up in cotton wool and then suddenly let you out of the box at eighteen, you won't have enough experience to know how to handle it.

That said, your parent(s) is/are responsible for your safety and welfare during this time: no doubt they love you and they themselves have the experiences you don't yet. Seeing things on t.v. and hearing your friends' (exaggerated?) stories aren't quite the same.

If they don't want to do this, ask them if they will please consider a plan and talk again in a week or so. All plans need to be a little flexible, as unexpected things can happen, of course.

Hopefully this will show that you have a maturing attitude to your family and your life.

Good Luck!
2016-08-19 9:49 pm
Get in constant fights, don't hurt him or anything. Your parents will seperately you eventually.
Or grab a tent from the garage
, set it up in the backyard and run an extension cord to it.
2016-08-19 10:13 pm
Is there a reason your family needs TWO guest bedrooms? Seems kind of unnecessary. Have they already said no? If not, convince your brother to fight with you or something. Your parents would get so annoyed that they'd have to separate you. Get on your parents' good side by doing a chore you don't normally do and ask them again when they're happy. Good luck.
2016-08-19 11:40 pm
maybe you can offer to do extra chores if they'll let you have your own room
2016-08-19 9:51 pm
Then there would be only one guest room. Not acceptable.

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