he told that he will pay. But now he is skipping every month.If he don t pay property taxes, what will municipal corporation takes role?

2016-08-19 9:00 am

回答 (5)

2016-08-19 10:44 am
This is incoherent.
2016-08-19 1:33 pm
If "he" is the owner of the property, then "he" loses the property. It will be taken for taxes. If you are the owner of the property, pay those taxes or you will lose the property.
2016-08-19 9:50 am
The unpaid Taxing Authority will put a lien on the property, and it will be sold at auction to raise the funds to pay the taxes...
2016-08-19 4:49 pm
property taxes have to be paid in two installments, I don't know of any county agency that will accept monthly payments
when county property taxes are not paid for the amount of years(they vary) they are delayed, the county seizes the property and puts it up for auction
2016-08-19 9:26 am
The county will sue both of you.

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