Why do democrats like to say that Trump is losing when he has ten thousand plus at his rallies?

2016-08-19 6:46 am
Killary has had to postpone, Photoshop crowds in, and even pay for people to come watch her lie to them! There is no way she could be winning this! Trump has so many more supporters that if she wins we know it will be due to election fraud.

回答 (13)

2016-08-19 6:54 am
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Look. We all know hillary's last rally at stidners [However the f*ck it's spelled] had 20 people there....that's it....20.

But the problem is, the liberal media doesn't want you to know she's a loser, so they create fictional polls to convey a message to you that lots of people are voting for hillary so you should too.

At the end of the day these demonrats are going to exhibit the same level of arrogance and condescension that they displayed in the months leading up to the midterms.

But then look how that ended? You can't stop democrat arrogance because there's no off switch no matter how much they're humiliated....all you can do is laugh when they lose....just like the midterms.
2016-08-19 6:53 am
There are also many people at a KISS concert. Doesn't mean the members of Kiss are heading to Congress any time soon.
2016-08-19 6:57 am
37 Thousand at his last rally...Hillary...same day...just a few miles away.. couldn't fill a High School auditorium...wake up time...prepare her political coffin...
2016-08-19 6:49 am
Rumor has it that millions of men are going to vote for Hillary. A few of them are even Americans.
2016-08-19 7:06 am
it does seem terribly suspicious. trump rallies are always jam packed with enthusiastic, cheering supporters, while hilary can barely fill the room. and she's lucky to muster even a modicum of lackluster, polite applause anytime she reads her talking points. you really have to wonder at the apparent disconnect between what the polls seem to say, and what your own eyes tell you.
2016-08-19 6:48 am
I agree with you... I think democrats are brainwashed!!!! Let's laugh at the end of the election!!
2016-08-19 6:50 am
White House Watch

White House Watch: Clinton 40%, Trump 39%, Johnson 9%, Stein 4%
2016-08-19 7:03 am
Well, they don't know how to fact check things. There are makers and takers. Takers just listen to what ever, and take things superficially. Makers actually know what's going on.
2016-08-19 6:47 am
Someone has lost touch with reality....
2016-08-19 6:48 am
He's losing the electoral college. He is not getting the numbers he needs in the battleground states. He doesn't even know which ones they are. He spends time in states that he has zero percent chance of winning. That is why he is losing.
2016-08-19 6:47 am
Old people don't work, so they have plenty of time to attend Trump rallies. As I remember, McCain/Palin had 40,000 at one rally.
2016-08-19 6:47 am
Lol I bet you heard that from Fox News
2016-08-19 7:17 am
Are you sure Trump isn't paying people to go to his rallies?

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