Please help! I feel like I'm a real goddess!?

2016-08-19 5:14 am
I'm a 17 year old girl, and I feel like I have this huge potential about me... More then anyone else. I feel that there's a Goddess inside me waiting to show someday, like my goddess angel wings will grown. I believe that I am really a goddess. Please help me!

回答 (4)

2016-08-19 5:41 am
You are not a goddess. Just get a job at a gas station and forget it.
2016-08-19 6:49 am
As long As that feeling is helping you building your confidence, its perfectly okay to feel like that goddess..
2016-08-19 5:53 am
Time to get over yourself and face reality.
2016-08-19 7:09 am
If you feel like a goddess why are you asking for help?

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