I have guy friends more than girls mom said i can't be friends with guys is she right?

2016-08-19 1:42 am

回答 (3)

2016-08-19 3:01 am
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Yes. Not 100% just friend. Theres romance behind it lurking from him or his friends. But undoubtedly im sure they are as loyal as girls or more so even. But when they get a woman youll become a issue like 3rd wheel. His woman may see you as a threat. But pick they one you like more and romance him. Im a lover not a hater
2016-08-19 1:44 am
no she is not right
2016-08-19 1:45 am
Haha, well, you should respect your mother's wishes, but I have very few girl friends, and I am a female myself. I just tend to enjoy the company of males more, for some reason.

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