I applied for a job in defence department but I've provide a fake information regarding my Transcript GPA. Please read detail and help me?

2016-08-18 5:53 pm
A two nonth ago, I have applied in defence department for a job.When filling application form online I was provide wrong information about my final year degree transcrip GPA.I have 2.1 GPA out of 4.00. I was written 3.30/4.00. Just now, They call me and ask to come Interview tomarrow and bring your original degree transcrip, after screening and verfication your document then we will conduct interview.I feel very scary now, what will happen tomarrow? I'm asure they will caught me. Need your advice I have only 24 hrs.

回答 (10)

2016-08-18 5:59 pm
U caint spel 2 gud. But u'll be fine for pulling out fences at yur defence jub tomarrow.
2016-08-18 6:55 pm
Call and cancel the interview unless you want to be embarrassed.
2016-08-18 8:04 pm
You will be told to leave of course, when it is shown you lied.
2016-08-18 7:12 pm
you are screwed
2016-08-18 6:49 pm
Cancel the appointment It doesn't matter whether its an application to the defense department or in the private sector, lying on your application is fraud and grounds for dismissal.
2016-08-18 6:00 pm
I can't cancle this interview because They call to my Dad. I don't want to reveal this story to my dad.He will beat so much.
2016-08-18 6:00 pm
Your goose may be cooked. You can't lie on applications. You have to sign it & then they KNOW you can't be trusted.
2016-08-18 5:58 pm
Cancel the interview. You will be caught. If you cancel you can apply later and not give them false information.
2016-08-18 5:58 pm
Sure they will catch you out and so it will be checked found you are a liar and that is it, no interview, no possibility of any job
2016-08-18 5:57 pm
Nothing you can do - unless you can prove it was a legitimate mistake - even then they might not hire you.

Best pull out of job before you are found out

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