My bench press dilemma? can't gain weight.?

2016-08-18 2:48 pm
Ok so I have not idea what has been going on with my bench press recently. usually for my max rep i can get 125-135 which is around my body weight. However the last few times I could only get 115 which is a lot for me. I only just turned 16 but and weigh 132 pounds but I'm just confused why. Also i've been trying to gain weight for about a few months now but I've gotten nowhere. I have a fast metabolism so no matter how much I eat I don't gain weight. If anyone has some tips to gain weight that would be helpful to.

回答 (1)

2016-08-18 6:06 pm
If size is what you are looking for, you shouldn't be worried about or attempting 1 rep maxes very much. You need volume.

Don't worry about how much you can lift. Worry about proper form on the lifts, that is what is most effective.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:38:32
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