When a guys says he loves u do they mean it?

2016-08-18 6:05 am

回答 (7)

2016-08-18 6:08 am
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No, not unless it's done properly. When a man says that romantically, run. Run away and take a cab home, if necessary. If he does not set the standard of no sex, then run especially fast.
2016-08-18 7:23 am
Anyone can say "I love you" and not mean it.
2016-08-18 6:23 am
Nope anybody can tell you they love you and not mean it one bit. Remember actions speak louder than words.
2016-08-18 6:22 am
depends on the tone
2016-08-18 6:17 am
depends what they want
2016-08-18 6:08 am
some do and some dont ---- you need to look at their actions not their words
2016-08-18 6:07 am

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