How to move on when the guy i love wont commit but wants to date and string me along?

2016-08-17 7:10 pm
I have been dating him for one and a half year now. He says he loves me, but he does not. We are nowhere near commitment. He turns the table everytime saying he is not upto the mark, i mean not suitable for me bacause his family background, income and education is inferior to us. But he wont let me go. I personally feel he DOES NOT WANT COMMITMENT AND THESE REASONS ARE VAGUE.
I have decided not to let myself be stringed more, move on and live a better life. How to do it successfully ? because i miss him a lot. Help !

回答 (4)

2016-08-17 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That's really great that you have decided to move on and not let him string you along anymore. It's so hard to break that cycle when you care about someone, even though they aren't treating or respecting you. Honestly the best thing is time and distance. Truly over time you will get better and the longer you keep your distance from him, the more you will see the situation for what it is and realize how badly he treated you. Best thing is to just completely cut him out. Do things that make you happy. Hang out with friends, do fun hobbies, go to the gym, better yourself and just keep yourself busy. If he texts, just ignore it. The more you ignore him, the more he will try to smooth talk his way to you but you just have to be strong.
2016-08-17 7:17 pm
You are going to miss him. You can't change your feelings or suddenly stop it. You just need to be strong enough to stop contact with him and block him from your life. If you already broken it off with him and explained why then that is the first and vital step. Next, is to stop contact and embrace your single life. Call some friends if you feel lonely or pick up some hobbies you love to do. Do anything or everything to keep your mind off of him while you are still healing from the pain. This is a grieving process and you know that you are better off finding someone who will truly love you and commit like you want. Never settle for less than you want out of life.
2016-08-17 7:17 pm
just do contact etc, no discussions etc.......put him on the pay me no mind list, he doesn't exist.....but if you are that hung up.....I can't help you, sorry
2016-08-17 7:14 pm
You cut him out of your life and don't let him weasel his way back in.

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