I am non vegetarian because humans are naturally omnivores and have eaten meat since the paleolithic [proved by analysis of ancient remains] , I do not have sentimental feelings towards animals, I do not accept the pseudo science which claims that vegetarianism is either healthier or better for the environment, and lastly because I enjoy meat and fish..
There are three basic reasons to become a vegetarian.
there are health reasons.
Most vegetarians cite health reasons as the reason they are vegetarians. and in the study, I've cited, they include vegetarians and semi vegetarians in that group. That would include pescatarians and people who are more like flexatarians. And those are undoubletly some of the healthier diet choices.
There are environment reasons.
eliminating meat from your diet is probably the most effective way to reduce your carbon foot print.
and of course there are ethical reasons.
most vegetarians are vegetarian to reduce animal cruelty.
Vegetarianism prevents cancers, boosts overall health, prevents colds, clears skin, detoxes body organs and digestive system, helps you think clearer, have more energy, and so on. Non vegetarian just makes you more unrestricted without any health benefits.
I think being vegetarian is better because there is really no point of being vegetarian or vegan, its not helping animals the planet or your health. if we did int eat the animals they would go extinct because we bread them out of the wild.
Vegan. Too many reasons to list, but as a man the biggest for me was the return of my 9 inch erection after giving it a try for ethical reasons. It's baaaack. That's worth more than even money.