What's a democrat and a liberal?

2016-08-17 5:26 pm

回答 (6)

2016-08-17 5:29 pm
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A liberal is a person open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

A democrat is a part of the establishment that pretends to be liberal to garner votes, then fails to discard those traditional values.
2016-08-17 5:32 pm
A Democrat is a person who is registered with the Democratic Party.. Liberal is an ideology.
2016-08-17 6:14 pm
A liberal is a fanatic created by government "education" system used for the expansion and corruption of government. Thats why their ALWAYS angry about some fony "injustice", usually made up.

Democrat is just party name. Cud be decent people. Just so happens its under total control of radical left (communists)
2016-08-17 5:46 pm
They both mean national socialist = fascist.
2016-08-17 5:29 pm
Those with an IQ above 100.
2016-08-17 5:27 pm
Oh dear. This ought to be... predictable.

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