大家好,請幫忙翻譯以下內容的英文信~ 請問貴旅館的twin beds room的床是什麼尺寸呢?如果將兩床合併兩位大人+兩位兒童(8及12歲) 是否睡的下呢? 需要打地鋪嗎?另外兒童的盥洗用具及寢具需要另外付費嗎?

2016-08-17 6:58 am

回答 (3)

2016-08-17 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
--------------Letter of Enquiry-------------
Dear Sir,
----What are the size of the Twin-beds provided in your hotel room for us to stay ?
---If merging the two beds for two adults + two children (8 & 12) , then whether enough space for sleep on ?
---Is getting floor mattress needed ?
---Are toiletries articles and bedclothes bedding for children provided and need to extra payment ?
---You still haven t responded to my letter.
2016-08-17 9:57 pm
請問貴旅館的twin beds room的床是什麼尺寸呢?如果將兩床合併兩位大人+兩位兒童(8及12歲) 是否睡的下呢? 需要打地鋪嗎?另外兒童的盥洗用具及寢具需要另外付費嗎?
Would you kindly enough tell me what is the size of the twin-beds in your hotel and is it possible to combine that twin-beds to provide enough space for two adults and two children of eight and eleven of ages, otherwise.some of them will sleep on the floor. In addition,are there any additional fees for usage of necessities such as tooth brush, tooth paste, towels and bedding by the children.
2016-08-17 9:59 am
Does your hotel twin beds room bed is what size it? If the two merge two adults + two children (8 and 12 years old) whether sleep under it? Need sleeping on it? Toiletries and additional children sleep with an additional fee it?

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