Do you think it is a bad idea for a pro-life male to marry a "pro-choice" female?

2016-08-17 3:53 am

回答 (17)

2016-08-17 4:29 am
I think it would work out just fine. The pro-life male can remain pregnant and have the baby since he feels that way, and the pro-choice female can remain pregnant or not, depending on her life situation and health.
Males have a 0% chance of dying from pregnancy related complications so they must be doing something right!
2016-08-17 4:03 am
No. If your pro-life you should burn in hell. Children in foster care need help, and you arent the one having the child in your vagina for 9 months. I hope that pro-life man burns in hell.
2016-08-17 4:01 am
Yes, I think it's a bad idea for a pro-life male to marry a pro-choice female.
2016-08-17 3:54 am
I think that when men can give birth, they can have an opinion on abortion. Yes, it's a mistake if he thinks he can force his wife to carry a pregnancy for 9 months if she doesn't want to.
2016-08-17 5:01 pm
I think it's definitely a bad idea. Say you two stay together and she gets pregnant. Then, she aborts. You'd obviously be against it. Don't you think that would ruin a relationship? I think it would at least cause problems, but it would most likely destroy the relationship.

I'd say that isn't a smart idea.
2016-08-17 4:24 pm
yes. no male should be pro-life as he doesn't have to carry the baby for nine months and he's also not the one stuck raising it either.
2016-08-17 4:05 am
it's a bad idea to marry.
2016-08-17 4:03 am
The dynamics in this country is not right or equal for men when it comes to having a child. If a woman allows herself to get pregnant and the guy want to be the father and she don't want a baby, she can legally have that baby wiped out and all is good. If a woman allows herself to get pregnant and the man father doesn't want a child and she do, she can keep that baby and put him on child support if she want to and financially put him in a bind and risk his freedom and driving privileges. If a woman doesn't want a child, she can have the baby killed, leave the child on a fire station's front steps, give the child away and all is legal and good. But if a man doesn't want to be a father and she do and she keep the child and he doesn't want anything to do with the child, now that's against the law and he will pay for that. See how wrong that is? It should work both ways. If she doesn't want the child and can get rid of it without his say-so in the matter, he should be able to not want
參考: a child and she should be ordered to get rid of it even if she want to keep it. If she doesn't want the child and he do, she should be ordered to carry on with the pregnancy.
2016-11-05 10:46 pm
religiously agreeing and agreeing how you two treat each other is important not other things...
2016-08-17 4:32 pm
Well, in a word, yes.
I think that it would be un-ideal for a pro-life person to marry a pro-choice person in that, the two people in question might only have sex for procreation purposes. That isn't a guarantee, but if you're pro-life, where does it end (or start, if you want to be literal)? I'm pro-choice, so I'm totally down with birth control, but are all pro-life people okay with birth control? Probably not. So if a pro-life person is not okay with using birth control, then marrying that person sounds like choosing to walk down a path with very little amounts of sex; unless it is an open relationship or something...
So that would be my concern. If having very limited amounts of sex is okay with you, than the marriage may get past this perceived hurdle.
2016-08-17 2:29 pm
Religiously agreeing and agreeing how you two treat each other is important not other things.
2016-08-17 1:40 pm
If they can respect their differences it shouldn't be a huge issue. I think generally its best to agree overal in terms of which party/ideals you believe in, but my wife and I have differing opinions on certain specific issues within party lines
2016-08-17 12:45 pm
Probably not a good idea.
She would be marrying a hypocrite.

It is the rare "pro life" type who actually is.
Most are actually only pro birth.
2016-08-17 5:59 am
Long as they don't intend to endlessly debate it over dinner I don't see a problem. This pro-life man is willing to use effective birthcontrol, yes?
2016-08-17 4:02 am
Well, it can't be a real marriage if any of the spouses were pro-abortion.
2016-08-17 3:58 am
I think it's a bad idea for a male to marry a female. Period.
2016-08-17 4:16 am
Yes actually. The male can increase the chances if the female not getting the abortion. Abortion is murder. You are ending a living, breathing humans life. Just because it hasnt been born doesnt mean it isnt alive
2016-08-17 4:01 am
Dude dont you know that a pro choice woman is usually an atheist? No man in his right mind would attempt to pair up one of God's chosen, with an atheist in a religious union like marriage. Without God's blessing over that marriage, it will just turn into another divorce statistic unless the atheist converts. Heck, even "Christian" pro lifers have trouble remaining married, their divorce rates are high too. You wanna know why that is? It's because many so called "Christians" dont really know what it actually means, the sheer sacrifices required, to be an actual Christian. One aspect behind being a Christian, is meaning yes when you verbally say, " yes I do take (blank) to be my..." Commitment! If they cheat then divorce um. A Christian woman does not: kill her baby, turn the relationship into a competition, of power and dominance over the entire relationship, between her highness and her husband, and she does not go out and cheat; same applies to the man.

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