The uterus is a myth.?

2016-08-16 3:39 pm

回答 (7)

2016-08-17 12:56 am
What? Sorry, it is a part of a human female's body, there is nothing mythical about it.
2016-08-16 11:02 pm

it is a real thing.
2016-08-16 3:55 pm
Um... noooo. The uterus is a well known part of the female reproductive system, and is were the fetus matures for nine months before being born. Whoever told you it was a myth was screwing with you.
2016-08-16 3:48 pm
I guess you are too then, as you came from one.
2016-08-22 10:07 pm
No, it is the other end of a minge.
2016-08-20 7:31 pm
really if it was a myth you would not even be born d.a.f
2016-08-17 1:33 am
It's only a myth for you. A uterus is part of the female body, one of the squishy inside parts, which means it's something you'll never experience.

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