He is a nice man to work for.關係代名詞?

2016-08-15 1:58 pm
He is a nice man for whom to work.

那麼He is a nice man to work for.後面的不定詞to work 是不是當成形容詞修飾man?還是要當副詞?這樣好像變成nice修飾了man,to work 又修飾一次

所有的不定詞之前的名詞,是不是後面能接關係代名詞 who,whom,that,which...這個不定詞是不是就能當形容詞修飾名詞?例如He is a nice man to work for.

回答 (2)

2016-08-16 3:25 am
to work for是一組phrase (意思下面解釋),不是把for拆開組會whom代表"he"便是相同的句子/句意。

假設改成的句子是正確(基本上文法不對),He is a nice man for whom to work. 語意大約是「他是一個好男人=由於他是會工作的」


假如硬要改成你要用的"for whom"來表達解釋"他"的"理由",則要加插含意中的角色(我)和立場(為他工作/他作為上司)等等來取代to work for的含意。

He is a nice man for whom I like to be his employee.
2016-08-15 3:11 pm
He is a nice man to work for.
man接受nice和to work for的修飾,它們的性質都是形容詞性質,名詞受到修飾兩次或兩次以上,在英文或中文都不構成問題。名詞的修飾語通常只有單字才會放在名詞的前面,片語和子句應放在後面。
但如果改成He is a nice man for whom to work.則語法應屬錯誤。沒有看過英文有這種方式。寫成: He is a nice man for you to work for.才正確。這個for xxx是用來帶出不定詞在邏輯上的主詞xxx的,所以不會出現受格或主格的關係代名詞whom/who.
在邏輯上,接受不定詞修飾的名詞是該不定詞(或不定詞片語)的「受詞」,除非該不定詞己經有自己的受詞。如:We don't have the right to abandon the poor.遭到放棄的不是權利而是窮人。

I want something to eat.(不定詞當修飾語)
I want to eat something.(不定詞片語當動詞的受詞)

Joe is the man to talk to if you have any problem.

I have a meal to prepare. = I have a meal that I must prepare.

I am glad to hear that.這裡的不定詞片語修飾形容詞glad,是副詞性質。
He is old enough to be your father.這裡的不定詞片語修飾副詞enough,也是副詞性質。
He left home to avoid an argument.這裡的不定詞片語修飾述部left home,也是副詞性質。

I wonder who to invite.這裡的who是疑問代名詞,不是關係代名詞。
Show me what to do.這裡的what也是疑問代名詞。
He told me how to change the tire.這裡的how是疑問副詞。
They learned when to ask for money.這裡的when是疑問副詞。
They found out where to buy cheap books.這裡的where是疑問副詞。

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