is it ok to date 2 people at once (read details)?

2016-08-15 5:26 am
so i know someone a friend of mine is dating 2 people at once, we live in new Zealand and so does one of his girlfriends the other lives all the way in the U.S.A i was wondering if thats ok

回答 (3)

2016-08-15 10:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Has he met the USA girlfriend before? Is she just an online lover? I used to have about 5 online lovers at a time. It was something to do and not real life to me. But no- i personally think it's wrong to date more than one person at a time, unless everyone involved is okay with the arrangement.
2016-08-15 5:44 am
personally no its not ok its not something i would do ---- its cheating ---- i dont care about these labels ie its ok we were not official ----- its still a betrayal
2016-08-15 5:31 am

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