I get too wet during sex?

2016-08-14 6:07 pm
I know it means that it's a good thing and everything but sometimes it gets so wet that neither of us can feel anything. I've only had sex with two people and I had this problem with my ex too and I never finished sex with him because i would just get so uncomfortable.

Plus the erm...noises get way more louder and frequent if you know what I mean.

回答 (2)

2016-08-14 6:10 pm
Just take a wash cloth and mop up every so often. I've had that problem but a quick clean up takes just a second or two and fixes the problem.
2016-08-14 6:33 pm
Your lack of feeling is not to do with your lubrication. I suggest you get creative, try some new positions.

And BTW, I know like one girl who actually finishes during sex. Vaginal penetration alone (scientifically) is EXTREMELY difficult (if not impossible according to recent research) to climax. However, clitoral and mental stimulation (feeling aroused, turned on, thinking erotically) can get the job done.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:36:07
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