Why am I so ugly?

2016-08-14 4:03 pm
I am very ugly and I find it so unfair. All the girls in my school are gorgeous and when I pass them, they always laugh at me. I was nominated ugliest in class and called a witch because I have red hair and I'm ugly like one. Why was God so unfair. And don't tell me I am beautiful and that they're jealous, because they're not. I want a straight answer.

回答 (114)

2016-08-15 6:10 am
It's not a matter of being ugly or pretty. It's how you present yourself. I see people that are not the best looking lol but they dress up nice, are confident, kind, caring and have plenty even friends and are even in relationships! They're are hella lotta attractive people who don't present themselves well and end up alone. It's all CONFIDENCE. Ignore them, make some friends, find things you like join good school groups and you will realize you were never ugly in the first place and you'll find the real you. Btw red hair is beautiful whats wrong with that? In a few years you'll realize all the people making fun of you were idiots who were bored and decided to pick on you for fun so dont take it to personal. IN ADDItion they'll come running back apologizing when u become confident and dont give a **** about them (psychology fam)
2016-08-14 4:11 pm
I hope that you're joking. Nobody is ugly.

The thing that makes you 'ugly' is how your own eyes perceive yourself. Find a way to love yourself.

There's always somebody for somebody in this world, so don't worry about relationships either.

Stay healthy, socialize, hit the gym, find a hobby, and love yourself.
2016-08-16 9:15 pm
Oh my gosh,
I feel exactly the same way!

I have low self esteem,
so badly I complain every single day!
I'm not even exaggerating right now.

But I'm soon getting over it.
Everyday, now I start saying to myself:

- "Accept who you are, you could be worse"
- "Everybody has a flaw"
- "If i can't change my appearance, I gotta make the best of it"

AlwaysI feeling out of place when on the streets,
Always seeing myself as something I'm not.

I've been called ugly and stuff when I was in 7th grade.
Went home crying and ends up I liked the guy!

After that year I started to fix myself up a little
Gotta admit, I didn't know how to dress and stuff.

Cutting my hair randomly, etc.
But after a while, boys can be a**holes.

I admit to myself I use to be cute,
but now is ugly because I couldn't accept my appearance
I slowly changed how I dressed and acted.

Once I meet him, I'm going to prove him wrong!

But trust me. People can be such idiots, some are just
jealous and say stuff to make them look better.
But on the inside, they can be very caring
( Not this guy though )

I actually hoped my story helped.
Just remember there's a lot of people
with worse experiences of their appearance.

Confidence is the key to everything.
Without it, many things can go wrong.
參考: - 4 year experience of being bullied - Has extremely low self esteem - Extreme perfectionist when comes to beauty
2016-08-16 12:17 pm
I had the same problem. I was the ugliest. Guys didn't like me at all, they just laughed at me all the time. And then, I am grown up. All those guys are chasing me, they want me, they are in love with me. Listen, when people make fun of you because you are ugly, study shows: you finish like winner. So, don't worry. And if you are that ugly like you say: I can tell you this: when people grow up, they stop share people on ugly and beautiful. They just share them on bad and good. So, really, this is from expirience, i am not trying to comfort you, I try to say: this happened to me and a lot of succseful people.
2016-08-14 10:15 pm
Girl,all those girls you see that are laughing at you obviously wear tons of makeup.I bet if they removed all that makeup they would look hideous.They are basically hiding behind a mask (mask aka makeup).They are jealous of you because you are confident enough to rock a natural look and they arent.They call you ugly and laugh at you because deep down they know that you are pretty and confident smart girl and they are the ugly ones.They just have a pathetic life or should i say no life at all if they dont mind their own business cause they ain't have one.There are always going to be höes like that in life and you gotta learn to deal with it.Put them on ignore and stay confident.Smile all the time and trust me that will kill them.When they laugh at you laugh with them.If they make a joke about you laugh at it.Just by doing that you are showing them that you dont care and find it funny.They want you to be sad because they have been sad their whole entire life.
2016-08-19 9:21 pm
Firstly, those girls are assholes and I doubt later in life, anyone will actually find them attractive because who wants to date someone like that? I'd report them if I were you.

Secondly, your red hair can be what makes you unique! I just saw a question on here asking what coloring on girls guys like best. My coloring (brown hair/brown eyes) was last sadly but red hair was first! You're like Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Red hair symbolizes confidences and the colour red is actually supposed to be the sexiest! Take care of it and make it something special about you. There are tons of girls who would love your coloring.

Lastly, I know how you feel. It IS unfair. And it sucks. But you know when I actually started to feel good about myself? I was watching this show called Pretty Little Liars and almost everyone's favourite character is Spencer (played by Troian Bellisario - google image her now). She is considered the most charming and really hot by loads of people who watch the show and probably dated the most out of all of the five main female characters. At first glance, you might think she isn't as physically attractive as her co-stars, including Ashley Benson and Sasha Pieterse (who are both blonde and blue eyed) but she is considered the hottest by the majority of people and so many guys on the show are attracted to her because she is fiercely smart and witty and always sticks up for her friends. Looks seriously aren't everything. Or anything for that matter.
2016-08-17 7:51 am
You know I just got told I was ugly too, and by someone I personally know. It really did hurt me and that is how I ended up here.... but. to be completely honest we shouldn't care what others think of us.. I have worked so hard to become someone with a successful career, and that person who called me ugly is stuck cleaning windows and I am certain that he will be doing that for a very long time! He might have caused a lot of doubt in me, but one advice I give to you is to never ever let them see you get affected by the words they tell you!! love yourself no matter what, and if you want to better your physical being do it for yourself only <3
2016-08-17 12:36 am
Beauty is only skin deep, remember that always. School will end and you will have the rest of your life. Trust me, I was sooooo ugly as a teenager, it passed.

There are some things that may help in the interim: !) If you have a mall or Norstroms near by, go have your make up done so you can learn how to do it. Ask them for a daytime / natural look. Most of the time it's free 2) See about changing your hairstyle. Look at current magazines for some ideas. Talk to a real hairdresser 3) New wardrobe, even a few simple changes or accessories can help 4) Take care of your skin and body 5) stand up straight and own who you are.

The more you let them get to you, the more they will.
2016-08-16 11:34 pm
God is not unfair love..... God gives everyone something and takes something else away..... health, wealth, beauty, intelligence, safety, good past, good future....... not everyone has all of these in the same amounts.... and that teaches us to be humble and thank God for what we have. We cannot count God s blessings for us even if we tired..... I want to tell you something.... when I use the word ugly, I don t really refer to someone s outer appearance, ugly to me is an ugly person, and ugly personality. Let me tell you I am someone who God blessed with decent looks,,. and because of that I also got bullied and had "fake friends". I don t think red hair is ugly, I don t think any hair color is ugly......Let me ask you this.... when these "gorgeous girls" call you ugly..... do you think they are beautiful & pure? Imagining your scenario in my mind, there s is nothing uglier than a rotten heart.... and for me a pretty face can t conceal an ugly heart. A pretty face is a blessing, but a pretty personality is a choice.... I believe you should complain to your parents, teacher or headmaster..... and remember that witches were never originally ugly, they had beautifully deceiving appearances.... take the witches from Snow White(both animation and the one starring Kristen Stewart), Sleeping Beauty and Oz the Great & Powerful... they were are gorgeous women who did wicked things.... same what those girls are doing to you..... I don t know if they are jealous because they see something wonderful about you that you can t see about yourself or if also probably they just like harassing you because they have hidden insecurities and troubles, and when they see someone who seems like a target, they pour out that ugliness onto their victims to make them feel better, to make them feel as if they are not inferior. Remember to be beautiful you have to have purity, honor, virtue & valor. Ugliness on the other hand requires malice & vice :( God is not unfair, it is the world that humans have shaped that is unfair. God knows your struggle and knows the people who are causing you to suffer... Do you think God sees them as gorgeous too? God looks at your heart, not wealth, status or appearances...... beauty lies within, because outer beauty in this life is temporary.... so for all good people work on your inner beauty because that s what will last and that will attract the RIGHT people to you. Thank God that you aren t a horrible person <3 <3 <3
2016-08-16 10:13 pm
Oh Hun I felt so ugly in highschool that it's ridiculous! I never got made fun of for my looks but I never had boys chasing me either, so that made me feel kind of unwanted when all of the other girls were getting boyfriends.
What about yourself do you feel that makes you ugly? Because you might not be as ugly as you think! I thought I was HIDEOUS! But after much thought and acceptance I realized I wasn't as ugly as I thought. I'm not gorgeous by any means, but I'm not disgusting either. What I tried to do was smile more, tried to dress more put together and it seemed to help.
I don't know what your situation is, but I wish future me could have told myself to not stress. Highschool is not the rest of your life I promise! It seems soooo important right now but once it ends everyone goes their seperate ways and college is nothing like highschool. You enter the real world. I hope this helps somewhat but if anything keep this in mind... Those girls picking on you will get their karma.
2016-08-15 12:46 am
It's all about confidence. The amount of 'pretty' girls who are actually ugly as fvck but because the wear slutty clothes and piles of make up they're pretty? You just need to be confident it goes a long way
2016-08-14 4:15 pm
I love red hair! I have Auburn
2016-08-14 4:11 pm
OK, I won't tell you that you are beautiful and they're jealous. However, I will tell you that they will keep saying it as long as they see it bothers you. I will also tell you that as you develop confidence in yourself, you will understand how small these other girls are.

I also promise that you are focussing at the small minds who do the laughing and not the others who do not. If red hair was so undesirable, how come many women dye their hair red.

Personal confidence will help you more than anything any one else can say.
2016-08-14 4:11 pm
Genetics and/or God gave you your appearance, depending on what you believe. You can change your appearance. Ask friends for help or look online. Do some cosmetic work on yourself. It isn't difficult at all, even if you don't have much money.
2016-08-16 12:50 pm
I doubt your red hair is ugly. I dyed mine all my life to red because I thought it beautiful. You seem to be significantly satisfied that you aren't all you would like to be. My advice is get a good education...be smart, college, be smarter, get a good job and then work on getting some plastic surgery. It's expensive so you will need a good job with lots of cash coming in. Be sure to check out who you use and see some of their former results and don't go overboard. Do stick with family traits so you look like part of the family. Most of my friends have had little things done here and there and my wealthier friends have had a lot more done over the years. Just hang in there and get smart so you can get a scholarship or grant for college and then on to a good job. You may find by that time that you have found ways of making yourself look better...You'd be surprised what a good wardrobe and the way you carry yourself can do. Look at Barbra Streisand...not one of the pretties but really carries herself and look who she married...just about one of the best looking men on the planet. So see what you can do for yourself now and plan for the future. You know there aren't really a lot of very pretty people but a lot are just really well done. Hope this helps.
2016-08-17 5:35 pm
You wanted a straight answer so here it is (no hate) I was once 'ugly' too..I started working out, not eating too much crap, purchased a new wardrobe and I bacame a whole different person..I'm more confident and not the ugly one
2016-08-16 7:11 am
Why u think like that??just think positive way.. u r perfect and u r nice..trust yourself.
2016-08-16 4:54 am
Sweetheart, i know everyone that is nice and your family and friends too will tell you it doesn't matter, it's what is inside that counts and I know you won't believe it now but it's god's honest truth. Try your hardest not to let the a holes bring you down. I'm older now and i can tell you from experience, the girls i went to school with, some of the "hotties" are totally not hot now, some of the them have blown up, there looks have faded, etc. Then there is one girl that really stands out in my mind, she was not at all pretty in school and i remember folks making fun of her, i recently saw her on FB (mind you, im 41 now) and she blew my mind away at how beautiful she's gotten! I dont believe she had surgery, she looks completely natural, but wow she sure has blossomed finally. So dont worry, you either will grow into your looks or not but no matter what, if you have a good heart, that is really all that matters. Confidence is totally the key so look in that mirror and see your soul, let that soul shine through and it'll be ok. You really will be ok (hey the girl that was our schools prom queen, miss snotty pants, looks like she weighs 300 pounds now so just remember those girls that did that to you, i bet one day they will see karmas ugly stick!)
2016-08-16 4:35 am
Don't worry. Maybe you, like I was, are the Ugly Duckling. At school I was one of the ugliest but in the university my body changed and my face too. And now I have a lot of guys behind me. When someone sees my childhood photos, do not believe that was me. ;)
2016-08-16 2:27 am
You are not ugly. You need to boost your confidence and change the things that you don't like about yourself. If you don't like your hair maybe try dying it, I wouldn't if I had red hair because it is unique, but do what you want to change it. If you don't like the style of your hair try straightening it, curling it, or waving it. Also, try wearing makeup. If you have a round face, learn to contour it. Wear foundation if you don't like your skin. If you don't like your lashes curl them and apply mascara. Also, if you don't already try dressing really nice, this draws attention to other parts of your body. By the way, nobody is ugly, you are beautiful, but I'm just saying there are so many things you can do to fix your flaws.
2016-08-15 9:49 pm
I honestly don't like it how people will try and tell you to ignore what the girls say, don't worry about, yatta yatta ya. If I were you, I would exercise to make my body look better like jogging preferably since you don't want to be mascular and yoga. Drink 8 cups of water a day so my skin would look better, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables so I can feel better(It also helps with your appearance). Find clothes that fits you. Change your hair style if necessary. Find something you're good in. You said you have an ex right, that means someone is out there wanting to be with you. GLuck
2016-08-15 4:12 am
some people they have ugly face, but they have beautiful inner world.Some people they have becautiful facem but ugly inner world.Although maybe you are not so beautiful, but if you have a good heart, you will win others' respect finally.
2016-08-15 3:40 am
well i dont know why you're ugly. but others can. try going to the Reddit page "amiugly" and you can post a picture of yourself, and other people can give you tips on improving your appearance as much as possible. all you can really do is look your best. after that, you will need to work on confidence, because that can make anyone glow with beauty. Getting to a low body fat percentage can make anyone look really nice, so try that out.
2016-08-15 2:20 am
Because every swan starts out as an ugly duckling, that's why.
2016-08-15 12:27 am
All beautiful swans had their duckling time. Beauty of a person can come from so many areas, confidence is definitely one of it. People will appreciate you once you appreciate yourself first. Look of appearance can be changed so easily in modern days, we are not talking about any surgery, but the way you dresses, the way you act., have a super fit body shape, have friendly smile on your face, act with self-confidence and the other important thing is read. Books can definitely add glows not only to your face, but your heart. For a long term, it shows clearly. Look at mirror, and tell yourself that you may not the most pretty girl, but you are beautiful in your way.
2016-08-14 7:48 pm
I think "Diego" gave a very honest & helpful answer. You inherited your appearance, nothing you can do about where you start from, but no limit to where you can take it, depending on how much effort you want to put into it.

Most people find a healthy person most attractive, so a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are best. Avoid sweets, overeating, smoking & drugs. Find sports, exercises, and such you can play almost everyday.

You can significantly change your appearance with cosmetics, hair color, by yourself. I know most celebrities spend many thousands of dollars on personal trainers, make up, clothes and even cosmetic surgery, but it isn't difficult to learn to do this for yourself, or have to expensive at all, just learn to do these things yourself.
2016-08-14 4:08 pm
Your parents
2016-08-14 4:04 pm
Unfortunately it was genetics.
2016-08-14 4:05 pm
why don't you post a picture and we will answer you better
2016-08-15 2:22 pm
You know when your parents met they were both ugly, they got together with banans and they made you, an even uglier person. you should be mad at your parents for not meeting someone better you know. it's their fault not yours. Just cause you're ugly like your parents doesnt mean you can change, from what I hear there's some plastic surgeons out here that will fix your ugly face that I will gag if I look at it agai;'
2016-08-22 7:42 am
God WAS fair. He just doesn't meet society's beauty standards. God made 0 mistakes when He made you. Humans (not the brightest in the world) are the ones who come up with these stupid beauty standards. In Gods eyes, you're stunning and all together beautiful. (Song of Solomon)
2016-08-21 12:57 am
Physical beauty is only skin deep. It's what's in your heart that matters. Don't be so hard on yourself.
2016-08-20 6:49 pm
Beauty is not always measured by how you look on the outside. True beauty is found in the inside. Don't worry about what anyone thinks of you. Sticks and stones may break ya bones, but words should never hurt you.
2016-08-20 2:26 pm
Your not
2016-08-20 7:09 am
Ok im gonna b honest you may not be the belle of da ball ATM BUT there r things u can do to change it. Ok so wear light foundation, powder, masscara brush ur lashes down then up, highlight and contor, slick of eyeliner and finally fill in them eyebrows real good. Get ur eyebrows threaded and shaped and then fill em in every day.

For ur hair straighten it or curl it up to u. If u wanna braid it do it or like a messy bun or just straight down looks good. U need volume in the shower shampoo and condition ur hair and then wen u get out dry and brush it then style it and put dry shampoo product in to give volume. Then spritz your hair with a shiny hair product.

If you like you can dye ur hair NO PERMENANT first then mabey permenant after but like over summer break TRANSFORM urself and then u can tell em b*****s where to put it. Good luck xx if u need any more tips on wat tto get and stuff let me know and i will help u xx Remember tho the most important thing is to smile xx

If u want quick tips go to how do i make myself beautiful on youtube and theres LOADS on there. Good luck xx
2016-08-20 4:19 am
no u r not ugly
2016-08-20 1:34 am
Honestly, those girls are petty and rude. Nobody should get treated like this for something so superficial. And I very highly doubt that you are hopelessly ugly. If you are unhappy with how you look you can't just wear some makeup, or do your hair differently, wear different clothes, etc. But stuff like that really shouldn't matter too much. I know you said they are not jeolous of you, but they may be jeolous of your personality and how you don't change yourself because of other people and wish they could do that. I don't know how old you are but middle school girls are the worst, and high school girls are not much better. And just because you are "ugly" does not mean you will never find someone who will love you, the right guy will think you are worth everything. Just know there are other people that will appreciate you, even if you don't see it.
2016-08-19 8:53 pm
you are not ugly, just take care of your hyigene and if you want to make your self feel better put makeup on , but most importantly just ignore those girls and try feeling more confident, put who are confident get more attentions than the girls who are making you feel bad
2016-08-19 6:23 am
Red Hair is Gorgeous :)
2016-08-19 5:13 am
okay first off, red heads are hot so you should flaunt that! Also the key to life, is seriously not to care what others think about you, if you find your style and you doll yourself up the way you like every morning and you eat healthy and exercise and you act confidant and be yourself you will feel so much better. If you're a positive confident person and you be yourself you will for sure turn heads. When i say doll yourself up i mean maybe get a new hairstyle, and put on a little bit of make up to enhance your features, it can make a huge difference in not only your physical appearance but in your confidence as well.
2016-08-19 4:18 am
Beauty is realtive and no one concept is right! High school kids are immature and can be downright cruel. Many times physical beauty is there you just cannot see it. Makeup, hair, and most of all confidence can all be major helpers. I am a lady with dark hair and I always say that auburn red hair is perhaps the most beautiful color! Do not allow immature morons dictate your idea of your self value and beauty! If you feel you want to make changes you can do so with makeup look up Kevin Aucoin (RIP) makeup artist he has several books! Hope this helps! P.S. keep your chin up!
2016-08-19 2:04 am
no you are not....when you are a adult you will do better in life...
2016-08-19 1:21 am
my massive penis!
2016-08-19 12:46 am
Your beautiful on the inside and outside!
2016-08-18 11:38 pm
This may seem cliche, but nobody's ugly. You're in school; it's a time when everyone is insecure and some people cope with that by picking apart others who may seem vulnerable to them. Maybe you just seem like the quiet sensitive type so they target you. But trust me, you're not ugly. It isn't even about you, it's their own insecurities.

2016-08-18 6:37 pm
I just answered an another question similar to this. Do not listen to them. If you're unhappy with the way you look, then do something about it. Sitting in your room crying about your looks will not solve your issues. Go out and find something that could spice up your look. Everyone is beautiful you need to learn to work with your looks... i hope this helps.


2016-08-18 5:09 pm
I have red hair too so I sympathize. I was never an attractive kid growing up. I never had a date in high school and I was always teased for my appearance before I told people to fvck off. I wasn't much of a catch in college either. it wasn't until recently I have finally began to "look" beautiful. we are always changing. I am almost 25 and I am still changing. I also have started to invest in makeup and cool clothes. those things do make a difference.

as for your hair, I dyed mine black a few years ago and I loved it. it looked really awesome with my pale skin. I like my red hair now, as a lot of MEN (not teenage or college boys) like it, and most importantly i have ACCEPTED it. trust me, i used to cut my hair like a boy because I hated it so much.

In short, things always change. beauty is subjective. figure out what you need to do to make yourself feel better. other people will ALWAYS be *****, no matter what. high school passes.
2016-08-18 2:51 pm
Gtfo insecure troll
2016-08-18 6:24 am
You're NOT ugly. I don't care if I don't know what you look like or not, I'm just gonna flat out say you're not. Stop looking at others and bring yourself down. Just by looking at others and wishing you had their looks isn't gonna change what you look like (unless you get plastic surgery and what not). Love the body you are in and confidence will gain. Our imperfections are perfections. You're not the only one who has troubles with loving the body they are in :) <3
2016-08-18 4:12 am
No self esteem
2016-08-18 3:33 am
How does ur hair color make you ugly? The jokes on them for caring about how you look.
I bet someone thinks you're beautiful
2016-08-18 1:59 am
Don't think that, because you ARE beautiful. Besides, what is important is who you are on the inside, not the outside.
2016-08-17 11:35 pm
1st dont listen to those mean girls because you are strong and you shouldent care what any one else thinks you are you, you are nobody else so dont let them put you down plus they are probably going to end up in an old shabby apartment one day covered in there own vomit when you will be walking down the catwalk like the beautiful model ou are now dont let them put you dow and stay strong!
2016-08-17 6:15 pm
Its in the genes. Looks are superficial. No doubt you have a beautiful heart and soul.
2016-08-17 5:19 pm
Red hair is gorgeous!
I have naturally auburn / red hair aswell and i love red hair so much I dye it a even more noticeable brighter copper red and get tons of compliments ♡ red hair is loved!!
You should love yours because it's so beautiful.
And unique
Be confident
And never stop smiling
Love yourself
There is only one of you. ♡
Plus is normal to think your ugly in highschool
But your not.
You will soon realize how glamourous you are.
2016-08-17 5:03 pm
Same ''problem'' ...but, f**k everybody!!!
2016-08-17 3:27 pm
"All the girls in my school are gorgeous" Sure they are. You're just another kid with the "Oh I'm so ugly" head problem.
2016-08-17 3:10 pm
I honestly think confidence in yourself is what makes people attracted to you. There is this one girl who was not as pretty as other but all the guys used to be crazy over her because she had confidence. It's how you feel and carry yourself. Like for example when I feel confident, people say I look good and when I feel sad depressed people ignore me
2016-08-17 2:38 pm
you just admit it and igore the girls who are being mean at you. The ugliness isn´t always outside of you. Just stay with your family they will love you or just tell a techer that the girls in your class are bulling you
2016-08-17 12:33 pm
no body is ugly.
2016-08-17 6:14 am
I'm sure you're not ugly. If they voted you the ugliest in class it's probably because they feel ugly inside. Don't let it get to you.
2016-08-17 5:47 am
this is no matter how could you are ugly you can makeover your face and have proper beauty treatment
2016-08-16 11:40 pm
I doubt that you are ugly. You are just unique, and I bet you are very beautiful!!!
2016-08-16 11:37 pm
I dont think that you should blame god for making you "unbeautiful" , you should blame him for creating peoples who bullied to much and came in this world by thinking thay they are PERFECT. I hope you read this: I have been stuttering for 10 years. I went to different speech therapist. When I wanted to read something a friend always replays that word to me with laugh. In that time I completely lost mt confidence. But there was a women who helped me to not stutter anymore. That women was my superhero, she give me strength and told me how veautoful the world is. And I am telling this to you, some people diy their hair red, lucky you you have them. Some people suffer for food , you have it. Some people suffer for internt, you have it. We are different people, you dont need to be like those girls. One day they will regret, but you as long as you put a confident in yourself you will destroy them. The only result by doing it is to fight. Fight for telling being you is the winner.
2016-08-16 11:16 pm
2016-08-16 9:43 pm
Your parents
2016-08-16 8:41 pm
You're not ugly, your self worth is ugly
2016-08-16 7:46 pm
You are not
2016-08-16 7:37 pm
You're your own worst critic
2016-08-16 7:33 pm
You are pretty the way you are. Just say to yourself that you are pretty. Ignore those people that call you ugly or a witch. If you ignore them, they will shut up. If they still don't shut up, just keep ignoring them. They can just keep going and you can just keep on not caring. When you go to college you won't meet these people again. Don't feel hurt just because of creul comments about you. I get those comments about me all the time. But, I try not to let it hurt me. To do that, I just treat it like nothing ever happened. It actually works. Just remember, you are a pretty, smart and bright kid. Don't care about what people think about u. U r u. They are they. People can't control who you are. You get to choose who you r.
2016-08-16 6:07 pm
I was called smelliest guy of the year because I used to sweat more than others. I know how u feel
2016-08-16 5:01 pm
God made you what he wanted. Exceot what God gave you
2016-08-16 4:56 pm
"Them" girls, after (or even before) will end up getting pregnant at 16 and spending rest of life in a crap council house with no money or life. Seen it myself ;)
2016-08-16 3:35 pm
Now you are ugly. I belive that for a few years you will be beautiful. Pamela Anderson at school:http://www.snakkle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/pamela-anderson-yearbook-high-school-young-1983-photo-GC.jpg
Even if now they are cute,beautiful or something like that it means nothing. Remember that all changes in an instant.Today they are beautiful queens, tomorrow they are ugly.
2016-08-16 1:26 pm
In South America red hair is considered beautiful. Looks are superficial. It's personality, kindness and a good character that counts at the end of the day.
2016-08-16 12:38 pm
Those people are so freaking horrible. When they laugh at you, just ignore them and walk straight past. Talk to a trusted person and those people who laughed at you need to get their *** whooped. Good luck xx :)
2016-08-16 10:17 am
You are not ugly, of course. Do not be depressed.
2016-08-16 9:21 am
I myself think I am gorgeous but I also thought other girls in my school were prettier than them but in return they thought I was funnier! You never know what people want that you have so stop worrying about what other people have or think and worry about what you have to offer! I look on Instagram and see the most beautiful people but hey, I remind myself that I have a lot to offer! People are going to be prettier, funnier and smarter than you! It's all about accepting yourself! Those girls are trying to bring you down to their level! They want to make you feel bad to make themselves feel better! Any beautiful person that understands self love will not make you feel that way (so are they really beautiful) but try to held you rise! No one messed with me because they knew I would verbally embarrass them with my jokes but then buy them lunch! I had something they didn't! Just find that something!
2016-08-16 7:23 am
you aren't
2016-08-16 4:18 am
You didn't get good genes. You should find someone else with bad genes and try to fall in love or something. Dye your hair crazy colors to show you don't care. Learn how to do make up really well from a older more experienced girl.
2016-08-16 4:16 am
I doubt you are
2016-08-16 4:05 am
Look..No one most beautiful or most ugly. Everything depends on yourself. How you express to others or which way you express to others. Moreover, Colour is not a fact for Beauty because good mind and Heart are the main weapons for beauty. Be samrt, think positive no matter what ?
2016-08-16 3:19 am
everyone is cursed in one form or another. I have a pretty face but the most unruly curly hair that I cant do **** with and the skinniest pair of legs that would make you stop in your tacks and say eww. I lost myentire family and am stuck with an obnoxious two yr old who I adore of course but have very little help with. If vanity is something that remains important to you as you get older plastic surgery is always an option. Majority of people were cursed someway that's life. Besides being beautiful or perfect isn't all its cracked up to be. Imagine f ake people only wanting to date you and use you for your appearance. Personality counts a lot more than you think especially confidence
2016-08-16 1:31 am
You just need to find something you love about yourself. And that's all.
2016-08-16 1:17 am
You are gorgeous. Focus on yourself and the rest will follow.
2016-08-16 12:51 am
Don't choose to feel ugly. Stop caring what other people may think of you
2016-08-16 12:50 am
The only ugly thing I have ever seen was this:
There is no such thing as an ugly human though, I believe that you are beautiful.
參考: Slaw Lawris
2016-08-16 12:25 am
You are beautiful.
2016-08-15 10:10 pm
I honestly think that your personality and they way you talk to people and the way you are around people is what matters if I like someone's personality I don't give a **** how look cause people who have a nice personality honestly look beautiful on the outside as well be happy and if you don't like the girls at your school then I honestly think you should change your school . And ps I love red hair I think it's hot
2016-08-15 9:42 pm
Because that's your opinion.
參考: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
2016-08-15 7:38 pm
You are not
2016-08-15 7:01 pm
Given that you have mentioned that you have red hair, assuming that it is naturally colored, then you must be Irish or of some Northern European descent. Thus, you must be "white."

If you feel this way, then imagine how a lot of Africans, who frequent the Society & Culture section of Yahoo Answers, feel about themselves when they have people calling them slurs and bashing their cultural identities left and right, every day.

There will always be someone who has it worse than you and there will always be someone who has it better than you. It is all a matter of perspective. Where we are on the ladder of life is our focal point with which we build upon and improve.
2016-08-15 6:33 pm
Maybe you should get plastic surgery to fix your ugly disgusting self.
2016-08-15 4:28 pm
youre not ugly cause god dont make junk, theyre just being jerks
2016-08-15 3:51 pm
You're not ugly. Society's mental state is ugly.
2016-08-15 3:17 pm
There are many people who are externally beautiful but internally ugly and have a need to find someone to pick on.
You consider yourself to be ugly and therefore blame your god for this rather than seeing those who torment you for what they are, insecure and silly young girls. I would suggest that you speak to your teacher as most schools have a policy of zero tolerance for bullying.
2016-08-15 3:14 pm
You are beautiful believe sweetheart :)
2016-08-15 2:50 pm
Gym,hair dye,makeup.
2016-08-15 1:15 pm
Why don't you just get a makeover, or plastic-surgery?
2016-08-15 1:01 pm
What do you mean by ugly? If you mean overweight, you can change it with hard-work by doing regular physical exercise. If you mean your look, yes you cannot change it, but you can change your style, like if you don't have glasses, try to see if you look better with glasses (provided that you really need a pair of glasses), or if you have long hair, try to consider changing your hair style, that helps. Be yourself.
2016-08-15 12:57 pm
just groom yourself.. have self confidence and dont degarade yourself on the opinions of the others
2016-08-15 12:14 pm
Don't worry. The ugliest girls get with hot guys.
2016-08-15 11:55 am
You're beautiful
2016-08-15 11:23 am
2016-08-15 9:06 am
You are not
2016-08-15 9:01 am
your mom and dad
2016-08-15 8:24 am
Ignore them. Redheads rocks! And it remind me of Ariana Grande when she had red hair colour. Trust me, they are just jealous.
2016-08-15 4:38 am
Don't even let them get in your head.You'd be shocked when you find out they are jealous,envious and possibly insecure within themselves.Let them keep talking because its obvious you're a stand out
2016-08-15 2:51 am
I am an ugly woman. Objectively, I really am. Please don't argue with me on this one, Reddit. I am not overweight, actually in better shape than most women my age, I dress well, I am great with makeup. But last weekend the world just had to remind me that despite all this, people will go out of their way to kick me.
2016-08-15 12:19 am
2016-08-16 11:15 pm
Because you have ugly parents.
2016-08-15 1:51 am
Rape them.
Problem solved.
Bullies are to be raped.
2016-08-14 10:39 pm
Some aspects of society has changed so much. Girls are either too short, tall, fat, skinny. And apperently it's still acceptable. Even if someone had red hair it isn't considered "pretty" like what is wrong with red hair?
If a school as considering what really mattered inside they wouldn't be making awards for ugliest in class to make kids feel bad about themselves! That is just another example of one of the bad parts of society.
Them girls who laugh at you, look them up and down and just laugh back, if they have the "right" to make you feel bad just because they are "pretty" with ounces of makeup on why cant you do it back ?
Trust me your beautiful no matter what anyone says or does your beautiful on the out and most importantly on the inside. One day I know you will be able to look in the mirror and smile because you know you aren't what they are and that you know your a nice person out and in.
2016-08-14 6:26 pm
I hope you are joking. You are not ugly no one is! Red hair is beautiful and everyone must be jealous. Report the bullying to the teachers and demand they do something.

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