I'm 13 years old and I am dating an 17 year old. Could it be illegal?

2016-08-14 10:44 am
Well I'm an 8th grader and my boyfriend is a senior. We have just recently gotten together and we have known each other for a little over a year now. I heard that the new consent age is 16, but I just wanted to make sure that it was true. I know, I seem quite young to be dating someone his age. I also bet your mind went immediately to, "Yup, he wants sex. He's taking advantage of her." But I think every guy is a little different, don't you think? I hate that stereotype. Anyways, we are trying to apprehend our long distance relationship. He's just around 2 states away from me. After he graduates, he hopes to travel the United States and wishes to see me or visit sometime next summer. I can say with total honesty that I love him, a lot. Whether it be as a friend or as a boyfriend. I'm just concerned on where the "boundaries" are. Even if we are not having sex until I am ready (meaning over 18), can kissing or holding hands in public be a crime? I'm concerned for his safety and I want to know if I should break up with him early in the relationship before things get too serious. Love him to bits, but I will let him go if I have to for his freedom. Answers?

回答 (4)

2016-08-14 10:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know what the local age of consent laws say and you can't assume anything ------ dating is legal regardless of what others think or say even sex may be legal ------ i say may but anything non sexual even holding hands and kissing is not illegal ---- it's far too important to trust others google age of consent in both states most sites do a good job of explaining the laws you then know the boundaries of your relationship ----- as you can see most people have no idea what the law says in the US it varies from 16 to 18 and there are exemptions even then
2016-08-14 10:47 am
Break up with him. He's about to be an adult and he's dating you, a child. I don't care how "mature" you think your mind is. If he can't find a girl his own age, he's not mature enough himself. End it now.
2016-08-14 9:49 pm
It's long distance? How do you know what he says is actually what is? Is he really 18 or is he trolling? Sounds like you're being groomed. You're too young to give consent. Be smart, DON'T meet him. You really should report him.
2016-08-14 10:51 am
Ain't got time to read your story, sry.
No, it's not illegal, as long as you both don't have any sexual activities.

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