I caught a Leprechaun!! How do I make it give me a wish?

2016-08-14 10:01 am
About two weeks ago I noticed a leprechaun walking down the sidewalk. I KNOW it's a leprechaun because he is very short, he wasn't wearing anything green but he was walking past a patch of clovers so I KNOW he's the real deal!!
I made a plan to hide behind some bushes and quickly catch him in a pillow case but it didn't work. He saw me as I lunged at him and he yelled, "What the hells the matter with you!?" I was scared someone else would hear him, so I grabbed a rock that was near by and bashed him over the head with it. I then dragged him into my house and locked him in my dog cage.
He woke up a couple of hours ago and is really scared! I told him that I only wanted to have a wish but he won't give me one. He keeps saying stuff like, "I don't grant wishes." "I wanna go home." "Please let me go." And "I'm not a leprechaun." But I know he is a real live leprechaun!!

If you know how to make him give me my wish, I'd really like to know! Any advice will be helpful! Thank you!!

回答 (10)

2016-08-14 10:20 am
Be careful they are sneaky and manipulating, they can also twist your wish, so if you wished to be a millionair then your mother will probably croak-it and you will get an inheritance. To be honest though you sound like you have probably already eaten her.
2016-08-14 10:26 am
Steal his lucky charms. They hate that.
2016-08-22 11:43 pm
If his name is Hornswaggle, you're out of luck. He's unemployed.
2016-08-17 1:09 am
If he WAS a real leprechaun, he would have HAD to grant you a wish by now. You probably just attacked and kidnapped a midget! I suggest you apologize and let the poor man go. Leprechauns don't walk down any street, they always wear green and they Have to grant a wish to their captors. Sorry, this is NOT a Leprechaun. p.s. they only live in the Irish countryside, where do you live?
2016-08-16 8:29 am
Threaten to drown the little sod in Guinness. But if you get as far as immersing him be sure to dry his ears out. You remember the story of the man who ended up with a fifteen inch piano player!
2016-08-15 4:16 pm
rub his belly
2016-08-15 4:01 am
you kidnapped a ginger kid
2016-08-15 3:25 am
you need to trick him
2016-08-14 2:43 pm
A troll catching a leprechaun! Wow!
2016-08-14 10:04 am
Keep him in there and only give him beer to drink and potatoes to eat. If he won't grant you a wish then get him to spin straw into gold. Hmm I think I've gotten sidetracked …

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