What is the best sleeping position?

2016-08-14 7:17 am
I prefer to sleep on my right side. Though I understand you should sleep on your left because you throw up a little in your mouth if you sleep on your right. But sleeping on your left could also put a strain on organs. But reduce heart pain. I forgot what it does. Laying on your back stops snoring but it s not comfortable. I like to sleep on my stomach but that is the last position you should sleep it for a number of reasons but it is comfortable. Does it REALLY matter? Should I follow the "rules"? Or should I sleep in whatever position i feel is right? Btw I m a teen if that changes anything

回答 (3)

2016-08-14 7:22 am
Sleep however but if you are female try to align your hips by putting your legs between blankets or body pillows. It helps hips and is pretty comfy so whatever side you sleep on will be a little more safer and comfy.
2016-08-14 7:19 am
I sleep on either of my sides. As for laying on my back, doing that gives me sleep paralysis and makes me snore actually.
2016-08-14 9:20 am
I don't think there's any best position. Try them out and see which one works best for you,

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