Can you quit the air force during basic training.?

2016-08-14 3:00 am
My friend joined for the wrong reasons.

回答 (7)

2016-08-14 8:39 pm
Not without a lot of negatives happening.
2016-08-14 4:33 pm
You can but I would not recommend it. Quitting and going out like that will most certainly get you other than an honorable discharge and no benefits or a general discharge under honorable conditions. Out of Basic it would be an administrative discharge which is even lower in some ways of thinking. These days its hard enough to get a decent job without having any negative baggage like that associated with you although not everyone is cut out to be in the military either. That being said your friend needs to sit down and really do some thinking about this. Otherwise he might be making another and even bigger mistake down the road that he will regret later in ways that he might not understand now. That would be my advice to him or her and if you are old enough to enlist then you are old enough to be responsible and held accountable for your actions and decisions. Your friend would do well to realize that also when making his or her decision and considering things carefully and looking at the long-term impact of those actions and decisions.
2016-08-14 3:16 am
Nope, your friend cannot quit the Air Force during BMT. He/she signed a legally binding contract for the duration of the enlistment, so he/she is expected to fulfill the terms of that contract.
2016-08-14 3:09 am
2016-08-15 2:14 am
Yes you can, once you go to basic training it gets harder to get out
2016-08-14 11:32 am
Tell your friend he is an idiot. If he manages getting an Entry Level Separation he will spend time with a broke TRS. They are known as "One of a Kind".
2016-08-14 4:50 am
Your "friend" can get an ELS for failing basic, failing PT, failing the simplistic educational requirements.

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