Am i the only one who dosnt believe in science? if so tell me how athena saved athens or was it 420 that day?

2016-08-14 1:45 am

回答 (4)

2016-08-14 2:07 am
Science isn't a belief. Science is a cumulative body of proven fact that has been verified by many different researchers, all building on knowledge that has came before, and utilizing the Scientific Method of inquiry, experimentation, documentation, and testable results. It is objectively proven knowledge, not subjective speculation.
2016-08-14 2:50 pm
I don't think so. Many of your fellow Trump followers believe that things like climate change are false, just like you do.
2016-08-14 3:13 am
Science? Or history? Do you disbelieve botany? Microbiology? Pathology?

I disbelieve PSEUDOSCIENCE, unproven but claimed.
2016-08-14 1:57 am
Unfortunately, no. The world is full of ignorance.
2016-08-14 1:53 am
Unfortunately you are not the only one and their objections are based on ignorance just like yours

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