Is George Washington dead or alive?

2016-08-13 11:48 pm
pls help

回答 (130)

2016-08-14 11:03 am
Every day, I am haunted by this question. I awaken in the morning and stare into the blank space that is my ceiling. My thoughts wander, causing me to evaluate everything I know of. Somehow, I always get drawn back to this question. This one, feeble question: "is George Washington dead or alive?"
I am plagued by this question; everywhere I turn, everywhere I look, this question appears. Is he dead? Is he alive? I've read countless textbooks. I've analyzed hundreds--no, thousands--of scholarly articles. They all tell me the same thing.
I don't agree with them. You see, the books are all propaganda. The government doesn't want you to believe that George Washington, founder of planet Earth, is dead. He secretly lives among us, watching, lurking.
I believe that we're all, in fact, George Washington.
George Washington isn't dead.
He's in your heart.
George Washington is you.
參考: late night chemistry homework + conspiracy theorist websites
2016-08-15 10:00 am
Which George Washington are you talking about? There might be a lively as ever George Washington a few blocks from you right now. If you are talking about the president of America, yes he is dead. If you are talking about some kind of George Washington from some kind of fantasy world, he is alive, very alive in your mind, and he will find you every night.
2016-08-14 6:40 pm
He died in 1969 in what is now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. He was 237 years old when he died and was the oldest general still in service in the United States military, oldest former president, last veteran of the Revolutionary, War of 1812, Mexican-American war, Civil war. He also served in WW1 and WW2. He died leading a platoon of 60 US Marines against 500 AK-47 toting dog-eating Viet Cong guerrilla soldiers. He took 15 shots from an AK47, 1 shot from an RPG, and 2 sniper shots to die. A tough bad@ss, right? (by the way the entire platoon Washington was leading got wiped out but they killed 347 of those dirtbags and wounded 89 of them too)
2016-08-14 12:25 am
There are plenty of people named "George Washington" that are indeed alive today.
However, the first president of the United States, the famous George Washington, is very much dead. IF he were alive today, he would be about 250 years old!

2016-08-15 3:17 am
Alive. We slept together last night. He's a frightful lover. His powdered wig keep slipping off.
2016-08-14 5:24 am
are you talking about the George Washington that makes grills?
2016-08-13 11:49 pm
If he was alive today, he'd want to be dead.
2016-09-06 3:20 am
The president George Washington has been dead for the last 217 years. And it doesn't appear he is coming back anytime soon. You must have awoke from a 200 year coma to even ask a question like this or perhaps you are an alien from another planet.
2016-08-18 2:38 pm
George Washington the 1st President of the US, dead.

There are well over a thousand people by that name alive today in the US alone.
2016-08-16 12:08 pm
dead :(
2016-08-15 6:10 am
yes! hes sailing the ocean blue with christopher columbus in his yacht called the "mayflower"
2016-08-15 2:30 am
"Definitely dead."
2016-08-14 11:40 pm
I seen him today getting out of a UFO flown by Aldolf hitler, they were green due to their rotten flesh
2016-08-14 2:26 pm
he was born on February 22, 1732, 284 years ago, so what do you think
2016-08-14 6:09 am
He is alive in my wallet on a one dollar bill. {And he goes into the church offering plate every Sunday.}
參考: Cash is King !!
2016-08-14 4:17 am
He never existed. His story is a collection of myths.
2016-08-14 1:04 am
Yes and he's 286 years old.
2017-04-20 4:51 am
2016-09-15 6:31 pm
Depends on which one you are talking about. There are a lot of people with that name and living.
2016-08-21 9:06 pm
He's alive. He's 284 years old. *rolls eyes*
2016-08-21 7:33 pm
Absolutely. He cannot be both.
2016-08-21 6:27 pm
2016-08-20 7:53 pm
2016-08-20 2:48 pm
The US pres Washington is dead.
2016-08-20 3:31 am
President Washington died many years ago;
2016-08-19 4:16 pm
I am sure that someone in this country has that name
Look in the phone book and see how many,...
2016-08-19 9:33 am
This better be ******* clickbait, I swear to god if you are actually asking this question, then you are the dumbest human being on this planet and bring down our IQ at least 50%
2016-08-19 2:28 am
He is a dead dude.
2016-08-19 2:00 am
2016-08-19 12:13 am
Look it up.
2016-08-18 8:08 pm
There are many with that name alive but the one who made that name famous is dead !
2016-08-18 6:54 pm
I'm sure there is a George Washington that is alive today somewhere. If you are referring to the first president of the United States then he's dead, and has been for quite some time now.

2016-08-18 6:19 pm
He's long since dead.
2016-08-18 5:42 pm
2016-08-18 5:11 pm
2016-08-18 2:53 pm
2016-08-18 11:53 am
2016-08-18 7:46 am
George Washington is some black old man who shops at walmart near me
2016-08-18 7:28 am
its dead now.
2016-08-18 1:20 am
The president is dead and has been for more than 200 years.
2016-08-17 9:36 pm
His lives under a bridge by his own name
2016-08-17 5:49 pm
Trust noone. He is alive
2016-08-17 3:53 pm
2016-08-17 2:19 pm
Very likely there is more than one person alive today with the name "George Washington".
2016-08-17 1:19 pm
he's alive just like tupac
2016-08-17 10:08 am
2016-08-17 5:09 am
2016-08-17 4:55 am
Very dead. He was our very first president of the U.S. an important figure to know. I take it youre young, so just so you know this is something you must commit to memory
2016-08-17 4:02 am
Dead since December 14, 1799, or dead for at least 217 years.
2016-08-17 2:59 am
2016-08-17 2:39 am
George is alive. I saw him just yesterday, down on 34th Street, and Vine. He was selling little bottles of Love Potion # 9...
2016-08-17 2:03 am
George Washington, America's first president, has been dead since 1799.
2016-08-17 12:27 am
He is alive but half robot now. He lives in a hot air balloon and frequently moves from place to place so he is hard to track down...
2016-08-16 9:51 pm
2016-08-16 7:15 pm
It depends on how you define death and life.

For some, as long as a person exists in at least one person's memory, they are still alive.

For others, as soon as a person loses interest in their fellow beings, they are dead.
2016-08-16 5:58 pm
2016-08-16 2:33 pm
2016-08-16 11:17 am
There was a chap of that name who died in 1799, a sort of Virginia squire who was a fairly unsuccessful soldier alongside his fellow British until he later turned traitor. That one? Mind you, he did quite well for himself later in life so I must not be unduly disrespectful to his memory.
2016-08-16 8:55 am
He's very much alive if you have a job. I can hear him talk to me, every time I open my wallet to stuff him in there. He yells for help, but I tell him,.."You'll be gone soon enough. Quit your complaining'!"
2016-08-16 8:54 am
2016-08-16 8:03 am
I think its dead
2016-08-16 7:29 am
2016-08-16 6:28 am
If you're talking about the one I think you're talking about, I'll tell you what is dead: Our education system.
2016-08-16 2:32 am
He built some fort and was talking about bullets whizzing by his F%^& head,I wonder if we ever had valor?So,in truth,it probably matters little?
2016-08-16 2:08 am
He died in 1799.
2016-08-16 1:48 am
2016-08-16 12:09 am
My neighbour called George Washington is barelly alive. His obesity has done him in and now he has heart failure.
參考: Watch the calories, sugar and fat content of what you eat
2016-08-15 10:56 pm
he gone
2016-08-15 10:40 pm
2016-08-15 10:28 pm
2016-08-15 9:32 pm
He's alive, as well as Elvis and Tupac.
2016-08-15 8:48 pm
Schrödinger's Cat is both dead and alive at the same time.

Not so with brother George. He's dead, Jim.
2016-08-15 7:57 pm
The 1st president, George Wahington is dead. I'm pretty sure that you are not talking about another person.
2016-08-15 7:00 pm
2016-08-15 6:19 pm
Who does,nt care ,yet alberto 6eor6eio vo5 is.
2016-08-15 6:03 pm
2016-08-15 5:27 pm
Look in a phone book and see for yourself.
2016-08-15 5:22 pm
Yes my neighbor George Washington is currently working in his yard.
2016-08-15 5:05 pm
2016-08-15 4:58 pm
Where are you from kid ?
2016-08-15 3:44 pm
Sorry to hear of this.
2016-08-15 3:36 pm
Ilike drinking cool-laid
2016-08-15 2:40 pm
2016-08-15 11:25 am
As alive as your 1 dollar bill.
2016-08-15 11:20 am
Yes he is dead, He died on December 14, 1799, at Mount Vernon, Virginia, United States
2016-08-15 11:10 am
He died long ago
2016-08-15 9:04 am
2016-08-15 8:53 am
Dead obviously
2016-08-15 6:42 am
2016-08-15 5:45 am
Died December 14, 1799.
2016-08-15 4:23 am
Well, as far as the first president goes, he's dead. A lesser known George Washington might still be alive though.
2016-08-15 3:47 am
2016-08-15 3:13 am
long gone
2016-08-15 2:59 am
2016-08-15 2:37 am
He is alive and well. I see him every night in my dreams.
2016-08-15 1:02 am
He dead
2016-08-15 12:32 am
I dont know. Let me check and see
2016-08-14 10:55 pm
George Washington, if you are referring to the First President Of The United States, is dead.
2016-08-14 10:09 pm
2016-08-14 10:06 pm
He is dead long ago.
2016-08-14 9:11 pm
2016-08-14 9:09 pm
2016-08-14 7:47 pm
2016-08-14 6:43 pm
2016-08-14 6:05 pm
2016-08-14 5:51 pm
is he still on a doller bill.his life may have been taken but the country is alive
2016-08-14 4:59 pm
"Sadly, George Washington... is dead. But we can bring him back! Bigger, better, and stronger, than ever before!"
2016-08-14 4:35 pm
He's a zombie
2016-08-14 3:55 pm
What kind of a question is this ? Of course not.
2016-08-14 2:57 pm
Dead son.
2016-08-14 1:56 pm
He's been dead for very long time
2016-08-14 10:46 am
2016-08-14 7:51 am
He's dead.
2016-08-14 6:40 am
He's a zombie who rose from the dead in 1799.
2016-08-14 5:09 am
Dead long time ago.
2016-08-14 2:45 am
2016-08-14 2:31 am
2016-08-13 11:50 pm
The troll spirit is strong on this one.
2016-08-15 6:57 am
2016-08-15 6:17 am
Well he was born in 1732 means he will be around, 284 years old today which means if he is alive would be the oldest living person on earth.
2016-08-15 4:55 am
2016-08-15 4:16 am
2016-08-15 4:03 am
2016-08-14 8:44 pm
Dead =====
2016-08-14 6:28 pm
Alive in the spirit ; and the body this spirit use to live in as a human, that is now considered a shell in dead
2016-08-14 4:24 pm
2016-08-14 11:18 am
2016-08-14 1:56 am
2016-08-14 12:53 am
There are lots of men named George Washington who are living today.
2016-08-14 12:02 am
It is not known.

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