Is Jesus Christ and Christianity just a big massive cult ?

2016-08-13 3:37 pm

回答 (16)

2016-08-13 4:09 pm
No, it is not.
參考: Common sense.
2016-08-15 5:31 am
it's rather great than big...
it's more than a's a mind-set and a way of life...
it-still- has to do -with the basic values of humankind...
2016-08-13 4:44 pm
it can be defined a cult even by modern definitions
but if Jesus is the real anointed christ/messiah. then NO, He is not a cult, despite definitions.
Billy Graham, the pope, !! both cultic leaders. and they accuse joseph smith jr as a cult leader. there are occultic practices in every church, there evil people practicing sorceries and witchcrafts throughout the entire world, including baptist church and catholic and jews and muslims, to say one cult is better than another is a sin !
to get rid of sin, everyone has to forsake occultism and cultic false leaders. Jesus himself however only taught parables to the public, and explained everything to his disciples.
so, before you demonize the people with the truth, you better make sure your truth is not from a cultic leader.
2016-08-13 4:41 pm
Jesus taught very simple things. It doesn't matter who you are. If you love humankind and do good to the needy persons whom you come across in life, you inherit eternal life. Your attitude towards people matters.
2016-08-13 4:37 pm
No. A person can know with certainty Jesus exists and is God by practicing true devotion to the Blessed Virgin.
2016-08-13 4:29 pm
This proves you are a cultist so I am glad you gave me a laugh today.
2016-08-13 3:58 pm
The definition of cult is anything that is NOT Christianity.
2016-08-13 3:56 pm
No... though many cults use some of the Christian concepts... without any Authority from God... mormonism being one
2016-08-13 3:54 pm
Whose "word" would you prefer to believe? Your choice.
2016-08-13 3:51 pm
No, Jesus is God and His Christians follow Him. Cults are lead by humans.
2016-08-13 3:48 pm
Some denominations are, but not Christianity as a whole.
2016-08-13 3:44 pm
A cabal of elite bloodlines has been manipulating reality for generations going back as far as recorded human history. They believed some VERY weird stuff way back generations ago.
Today technology permits our leaders to more effectively manage us without our awareness. This advance will permit the authorities to stop climate change and protect our way of life.
2016-08-13 3:44 pm
No, but we do have a BIG Massive GOD!
2016-08-13 3:39 pm
Not anymore. Jerry Falwell is dead.
2016-08-13 3:38 pm
2016-08-13 3:41 pm
I got a big massive cōck

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