Do asian girls look better with black hair ir brown hair?

2016-08-13 11:02 am
Do they look more attractive with black hair or dyed brown hair?

回答 (65)

2016-08-13 11:41 am
Neither, they're ALL gross either way.
2016-08-14 12:08 am
That's based on personal preferences.Some asian girls look great with black hair and some look great with brown hair.
2016-08-13 11:13 am
Black hair!!
2016-08-13 11:04 am
Their natural black hair is amazing.
2016-08-14 10:28 am
2016-08-13 12:28 pm
2016-08-17 4:23 am
black hair
2016-08-15 7:06 am
Depends on the skin tone. Asian skin can range a lot, but traditionally, it's black that's preferred. However, nowadays dying it a light brown or other shades of brown is pretty popular too. Sometimes the brown hair is even natural. My friend (an asian one, obviously) was born with light brown hair and people are always asking her where she got it done haha. I personally like black hair with paler skin and brown works too for pale skinned girls but for girls with darker skin it looks good too.
2016-08-15 2:37 am
2016-08-14 3:22 pm
2016-08-14 1:00 pm
Black hair
2016-08-14 9:26 am
Black hair (:
2016-08-14 5:35 am
2016-08-14 5:10 am
Depends on her face, some look better with black n some look better with brown
2016-08-13 9:12 pm
asian can have natural brown hair hair and both brown and black is pretty
2016-08-13 6:54 pm
2016-08-13 11:47 am
I like the natural black look.
2016-08-14 11:13 am
Brown hair doesn't look good on Asian girls.
2016-11-11 10:03 am
it depends on the skin tone... not all asians have pale skin... i'm asian but i have a tan skin tone... i know i don't look better with brown hair... it also depends on the face... some faces go well with a certain hair color... black does look good with all asians though...
2016-08-20 4:33 am
pure black
2016-08-19 8:37 am
2016-08-18 8:09 pm
Tan skinned asian:

Black & brown

Pale skinned asian:

Definitely black only
2016-08-18 10:28 am
2016-08-18 2:31 am
2016-08-17 7:43 pm
2016-08-17 4:01 pm
Black hair.
2016-08-17 9:30 am
They all look the same anyways so it doesn't really matter
2016-08-17 6:29 am
2016-08-17 4:03 am
Black and shinny.
2016-08-17 3:56 am
Black would be better
2016-08-17 3:03 am
It depends on the girls.
2016-08-17 2:44 am
Black the brown looks too unnatural.
2016-08-16 3:12 pm
Blonde :)
2016-08-16 10:09 am
2016-08-16 9:23 am
Asian girls look better with black hair.
2016-08-16 7:07 am
Its depends on that girl, some girls are look amazing in brown hair and some girls are look glorious in black hair..
2016-08-16 6:14 am
Black Hair is best look for asian girl.
2016-08-16 5:56 am
Black.. It's more natural.
2016-08-16 3:33 am
light brown or black
2016-08-15 6:18 pm
Usually black, but I've seen some who look nicer with brown hair
2016-08-15 1:14 pm
Hair color depends on the skin tone
2016-08-15 8:21 am
It depends. I'm asian but I was born with ash brown hair. I got it from my mother but I normally dye it jet black because I look paler with black hair and I love it! Black or Brown hair colour are both beautiful!
2016-08-15 3:26 am
They look better with black hair.
2016-08-15 3:15 am
2016-08-15 2:29 am
2016-08-15 1:00 am
everyone looks better with what they were born with
2016-08-15 12:58 am
2016-08-14 11:32 pm
Who knows, hair dye could make their hair damaged and therefore, not look as nice. Its up the the person themselves, and what they feel is best.
2016-08-14 9:09 pm
Black hair is their natural hair color. So, I would say that black hair looks better on them.
2016-08-14 8:42 pm
I actually think brown (;
2016-08-14 8:12 pm
What do you like
2016-08-14 5:08 pm
2016-08-14 4:33 pm
What do you think, brown may reflects the physical condition of the person.
2016-08-14 4:02 pm
2016-08-14 1:20 pm
Black. Same holds true for asian men as well.
2016-08-14 10:48 am
the color they were born with always looks best on the skin tone
2016-08-14 10:46 am
Everyone is beautiful in their own way. I'm Asian and I think that either is fine.
2016-08-14 12:45 am
Red hair
2016-08-13 11:50 pm
I say it depends on the girl!! but I think overall, black looks best
2016-08-13 11:15 pm
Black, I guess...
2016-08-13 11:22 am
all depends on the facial features
2016-08-13 11:05 am
That depends on the girl, usually either one can work.
I do think that dyed blonde hair never seems to work very well with asian women...
2016-08-17 1:18 am
It depends on the skin tone. Not all Asians have pale skin. I'm Asian but I have a tan skin tone. I know I don't look better with brown hair. It also depends on the face. Some faces go well with a certain hair color. Black does look good with all Asians though.
2016-08-15 3:50 am
2016-08-13 10:01 pm
both! asian girls are cute and pretty either way <3 :3

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