Is it weird that I like Marliyn Manson songs?

2016-08-13 6:26 am
cause I'm not a big of a fan of him per say I just like his songs like "The Beautiful People" and "The Dope Show" etc... but I admire and respect him as a music artist for expressing individuality and philosophy creativity in his songs that's truly awesome so I was just wondering if it is weird for me to like his songs?

回答 (3)

2016-08-13 7:47 am
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No. And your not alone in your feelings. He has lots of fans and people who are fringe listeners. He is in your face and his dont give an eff attitude has gotten him heaps of praise. He also has battled people who say he contributed to horrible acts like Columbine. Like you said his music may not be for everyone but his ballsy approach is what a lot of people respect.
2016-08-14 1:57 am
No, I only like his songs too.
2016-08-13 6:28 am
To alot of people, yes. It can be considered "weird" but its not wrong. The truth holds all of the meaning, so if you like the music thats what matters. Not what others think.

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