4.76 1significant figure .?

2016-08-13 5:26 am

回答 (1)

2016-08-13 6:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
significant figure -- 有效數字
4.76 = 5 ( to 1 significant figure)
4.76 = 4.8 ( to 2 sig. fig.) ......。o 0 { 四捨五入 嘛 ! }

More egs. :-
10.627 = 10.63 ( to 4 sig. fig.)
10.627 = 10.6 ( to 3 sig. fig.)
10.627 = 11 ( to 2 sig. fig.)

結論:。o 0 { " 0 " 位於兩個 ≠0 的數字之間 => count 作 1 個「有效數字」!}
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0.006275 = 0.00628 ( to 3 sig. fig.)
0.006275 = 0.0063 ( to 2 sig. fig.)
0.006275 = 0.006 ( to 1 sig. fig.)

結論:。o 0 { " 0 " 位於小數位後:有效(≠0)數字之前 =>not counted/not sig. !}

======================= HAVE A BREAK !====================

「管理員 」的推介問題 :-
significant figure 和 decimal place 的分別 ?
i) to n significant figures -- round up 至 n 個有效數字
ii) to n decimal places -- round up 至小數後 n 個位

4.76 = 5 ( to 1 sig. fig.)
4.76 = 4.8 ( to 1 dec. place)

4.76 = 4.8 ( to 2 sig. fig.)
But 4.76 本身巳是 2 dec. places, ∴不會有 4.76 ( to 2 dec. place) !!

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