if someone "likes" your comment on youtube you can't tell who it was. BUT, if you are the person who uploaded the video, can you tell?

2016-08-13 4:35 am

i am just asking because i want to know if the person who is uploading these videos (it's his channel) can tell if i like a comment from somebody else. very minor technical question. thanks.

回答 (3)

2016-08-13 4:36 am
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The uploader can see how many comments there are on the video, but not who likes who's comment. It just shows how many thumbs up that comment has.
2016-10-07 1:55 pm
what a joke this is.
2016-08-13 4:46 am
No, sadly there is no way to look at who liked or disliked your video through youtube.

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