Do guys like virgins? Does it feel better to have sex with a Virgin?

2016-08-12 6:49 am

回答 (3)

2016-08-12 10:59 pm
The very 1st time a guy and girl get together IS ALWAYS A VIRGIN EXPERIENCE for them. Virgin refers to the VERY FIRST time "anyone" does something/anything.
After the 1st time, you are considered "experienced", even if it's your 50's time
and still suck at it.

VIRGIN is NOT just sex. Virgin Driver, Virgin Killer, Virgin Drinker, Smoker, Druggie, Virgin Buyer, Virgin whatever!!

The word VIRGINITY, pretty much means
"the first time without any previous experience".
People forget that words only "describe”.
It’s the human heart that counts.
It's what gives us the ability to accept or reject according to our desires.

The very first time you have sex with your NEW BF/GF, (your 1st or your 50th)
you are Virgins “to” and “with” each other.
You have NEVER had sex “before” with each other.

A bicycle seat or dildo can break a hymen, as well as any guy.

If a girl loses her virginity to a guy and does not receive pleasure the 1st or 20th time, she is still a Virgin to the Joys of Sex, because her guy(s) are Inexperienced Sexual Pleasers or "virgins" to pleasuring women.

Guys in LUST, Don't Think. They perform for THEIR OWN PLEASURE.
They have NO IDEA what to do with the female body.
Virgin girls, their 1st time, have NO IDEA, how much FUN sex can be OR
what to do with the male body for their own joy.

So the first time is usually a DISAPPOINTMENT and MESS For Her.
Hopefully Pregnancy and STD free.
2016-08-12 8:21 am
Yes. Yes.
2016-08-12 6:51 am
if the guy likes you he does not care if you are a virgin or not and no it would not feel better it would be the same as if you were with a lady with a lot of experience her actions may be different but the feeling will be similar

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