Dad under 18?

2016-08-12 5:48 am
so I took a pregnacy test yesterday and found out. The guy and I are no longer together and I have talked to him and he wants nothing to do with it. I refuse to get an abortion since I am part of the reason this happened and it is my responsibility. He is 16 and I was wondering can I still get him for child support even if he's under 18 and what if he refuses.

also I refuse to get an abortion. I'm not going to take a life just because I made a mistake. I do plan on getting a job and my parents will help. But I know children are expensive and I believe he should help out since its half his fault


Also I am 16 AS WELL. I do want this child and I dont believe it is punishment. But I do know that It is my job to give the best life I can to my child

回答 (6)

2016-08-12 3:30 pm
LOL you will get a job. And go to school? So you will be working and going to school all day, and someone else will be caring for your choice. (Baby) Planning to hand baby over to strangers for 10 hours a day? (Daycare) I'm sure your McDonalds job can cover that $200 a week cost. And him? You will be lucky to get enough child support to cover diapers.

You are in for a long road where you are dependent on others for you and your child's basic needs. Please after baby comes, get on long-term birth control like and IUD or implant.
2016-08-12 5:51 am
It's more responsible not to keep the child if you can't take care of it. You're part of the reason it happened, don't bring this child into the world in such bad circumstances, and learn from your mistake.
2016-08-12 10:51 pm
You can go before the court now, and apply for child support. The court will probably order a DNA test before it awards you child support. However, if he is not yet 18, he won't yet begin paying child support because he is still a minor.

What's going to happen is: Since you are only 16, you will probably need some sort of State assistance to financially support the child until you begin receiving child support from the father.
As soon as the guy turns 18, the State will garnish his future wages, and he will begin paying monthly child support to you. He will also have to pay back the State every penny of any welfare assistance it had advanced on behalf of the child from the time it was born.

You say you refuse to have an abortion. OK; then how about adoption?
Are you SURE you want to keep this child? Even when you begin receiving child support (and it will be a very small amount every month), YOU, all by yourself, will still have the burden of the physical care of the child and the financial burden of clothing it, feeding it, and providing a roof over its head for at least the next 18 years of its life!
You are 16 now; you will already be 34 years old by the time the child turns 18. Think about it!!
2016-08-12 5:55 am
It doesn't matter if he refuses. You get child support by going to court and the court makes him take a DNA test and then decides what child support will be.

That said, you may be risking being arrested for having sex with him since he was underage. Yes, it's considered possible to rape a guy and if he's under the age of consent where you live, then you can be prosecuted for that. It's called "statutory rape" as people under the age of consent are not considered old enough to say yes to sex, no matter whether they wanted sex or not.

In addition, what kind of child support do you imagine you will get from a 16-year-old? It's not going to be enough to raise a child. In fact, your child could be halfway to adulthood before this kid -- and he is a kid -- will make the $25,000 a year that might lead to $100 a week in child support, which is about what a child costs.

Please don't look at a child as punishment. You seem to think that child support will punish this guy for not wanting to commit to you and a child. And you seem to think that 18 years of raising a child is punishment ("I'm part of the reason this happened" and "it is my responsibility"). Do you really think that you should have to take care of a child for the next two decades because you didn't insist on condoms one night? Does that seem reasonable to you?
2016-08-20 9:54 pm
He is responsible. You need to see a lawyer and go to court for an order. The court will order a paternity test. If it shows he is the father, when he turns 18 he will be paying support. He may not think so, but the law says so. Sounds like he does not want to be responsible for his action. You stick up for you and your baby. You see a lawyer today, if you can't afford one, you call the department of children and family services and keep asking til you get a free one it is out there for you.
2016-08-13 7:31 am
Congratulations! Loving your unborn baby is the start of being a great mother so don't worry about that dept. It's great that your parents are on board to help you with this transition into sudden adulthood. You can apply for Pregnant Mother's Medicaid to cover some medical costs (doctor visits, hospital stay) and may even qualify for other benefits like food assistance, mobile phone, etc. Visit a local public assistance office for paperwork and instructions. It may be possible to obtain payments through the father's guardians before he is a legal adult. Please don't quote me on that, as I am not certain. Your child's father is dumbfounded by his new reality and may need a moment to adjust to the idea of being a parent. Give him a moment to come around and be there for your child as that child should have both parents in his/her life. Give him some space if he needs it before sitting down with him to discuss the future of your parental arrangements. Best of luck to all three of you!

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