New employee at chipotle, need advice!?

2016-08-12 3:06 am
So i just started working at chipotle, and theres supposed to be 4 days of training, the first day my trainer was with me the whole time, the second day she was with me maybe the first half, third day, which was yesterday, she was barely with me, so i feel like i haven't gotten the training i need, the third day i started to feel nauseous and my stomach hurt and i had a anxiety attack, i went into my managers office nearly in tears and went home 2 hours in, when i was supposed to work 7, just thinking about working peak (busiest time) scares me, I'm on line, and am thinking about asking to be trained on the register bc i feel like that would be easier for me at first to settle into the atmosphere. any advice??

回答 (2)

2016-08-12 5:31 am
Keep your mouth shut about wanting to transfer positions already - just on your third day of training. Hope that they have not already fired you.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Employment law experience.
2016-08-12 3:30 am
I completely understand your position. I used to work in a restaurant similar to chipotle and I only had one day of training. The key is confidence. Even if you have no idea what to do next just be confident about it. DONT BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS. your managers and coworkers are a part of your team. They're there to help you. But also make sure you do your best to be a good employee. Meaning, try and learn the menu/prices, clean when there's nothing else to do and always help your coworkers when it's slow. The next time you go into work just take a deep breathe and know that you got this!

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