Men: Why would you give a girl nicknames?

2016-08-11 10:49 pm
I have this friend, who is constantly saying my name randomly and is always thinking of weird or funny nicknames to call me but they all have my name in them. He doesnt do this with others. ex) Doodyhead Diane, Ditzy Diane, Dingbat Diane, Dime Piece Diane, Dingleberry Diane ect. Some days he'll just come over to where I am and start sort of singing my name like "Diane, Diiiianne diane likes to draw, doodyhead diane"

Then yesterday, he told me that while on his way to school he thought of a really stupid and weird nickname for me that he knew Id hate and he laughed saying it's going to make you so mad lol. He said he'll think of some good ones too

So my question is why does he do this? The fact that he's even "thinking" about giving me nicknames when im not even there makes me wonder. We talk about all subjects, he's always always offering to help me with things and tries to make me laugh if Im crying. We laugh a lot too in general.

回答 (1)

2016-08-11 10:58 pm
Sounds like he is AFRAID of you, but trying NOT TO BE.

If you are interested in him and want to HELP him, with his FEAR of you...

INVITATIONS and ASKING for a Date are the same thing, but an invitation is easier to offer, rather than ask for a date. Writing a note and handing it to him or having someone hand it to him, or even text this, will be okay.
Most invitations are in WRITTEN FORM.
(if on paper, add ph# so now He has it)

EXAMPLE: "I'm going for ice cream after school/work at (location), you can join me if you're not busy. My treat."

It was just an invitation, NO BIG DEAL.

(you DO NOT have to be on a date, you just have to be near him)
When you have been with him for awhile and are side by side (walking, standing or sitting) gently take his hand and Say: "Can I borrow this for a little bit? I Promise to take care of it and return it in awhile" He will smile and probably be Impressed and Flattered. If he flinches and pulls away, chances are it's a REACTION, NOT REJECTION. Smile and give him something of yours as a deposit/collateral and Let him know you want it back when you return him, his hand.

IF NOT... let him keep his fear. You'll be safe from Dating Him, for a long long time.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:05:47
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