I dreamed of smelling my ex's boyfriend perfume?

2016-08-11 2:10 pm
I could smell the perfume which he always used, and I always said to him that I love the smell of the perfume he used. Then in my dream, I was looking at him as I smelled the perfume and woke up, what does that suppose to mean?

ps. don't say it's just a dream etc, please.

回答 (5)

2016-08-11 2:16 pm
just means you were thinking of him
2016-08-14 1:58 pm
Guys do not wear perfume lol. They either wear cologne or body spray lol
2016-08-11 2:51 pm
GUYS do NOT wear perfume
2016-08-11 2:19 pm
Yeah it means you had a random dream which makes no sense and you should carry on living your normal.

I am not being offensive but this dream is really random.
2016-08-11 6:04 pm

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