do you eat breakfast - what do you have?

2016-08-11 9:06 am

thankyou all i have been reading your answers as they come in - i will go through them more carefully soon

回答 (165)

2016-08-13 6:21 am
Every day. Sometimes I have oatmeal for breakfast. Some days I have breakfast sandwiches 1. (Canadian bacon) (ham), egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. 2. Sausage, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. Or if I want cereal, I just have plain Shredded Wheat cereal with a banana cut up in it with 1% milk of course.
2016-08-13 8:08 pm
Fresh orange juice, toast with peanut butter and jam (or any toasted bread, actually), croissant. You cannot beat breakfast food at breakfast.
Egg sandwich, with salt, pepper, and maybe some mayonnaise is also pretty good.
But when I get up really late I like to skip breakfast and go directly to the serious stuff.
When I was working, I usually had no time for breakfast, and would grab something from the supermarket, on my way, sometimes eat it on the train or while walking. It's crap, though.
I used to be a fan of milk and cereals but am drinking less milk nowadays. I'd have porridge, sometimes.
2016-08-12 10:10 am
Since retiring I find I eat oatmeal for breakfast more often, not because I'm crazy about the taste, but because I feel better when I do. In Braveheart, Mel Gibson had a line, "Oats; why England has such good horses and Scotland has such good men."
2016-08-11 7:15 pm
I used to eat breakfast a lot.
Now I don't eat breakfast as much.
It might vary from good old fashioned oatmeal, to a couple of Peanut Butter cookies with milk or coffee.
I did eat a container of yogurt for breakfast a lot.
2016-08-11 4:36 pm
I eat breakfast most days (except when I wake up late and then I just have brunch.) I just go for whatever I'm in the mood for. Some days, when I feel like something healthy, I have oatmeal with mixed berries and nuts, or fruit with yogurt, chia pudding, or just a fruit smoothie.

If I want something more savory I have a grilled cheese sandwich with roasted mushrooms, zucchini, and jalapenos and salsa. Or a pancake with savory toppings. Sometimes I eat things like cold pizza or Thai take out leftovers for breakfast and that's pretty good too.

When I feel like something a little more indulgent, I tend to have chocolate chip pancakes or waffles or French toast with nutella and/or peanut butter and toppings like strawberries or pecans. Also I like things like croissants, pain au chocolat, or donuts for breakfast.

Generally, I just have juice or water to drink but occasionally I have a coffee with breakfast. On vacation sometimes I have a cocktail but that's pretty rare.
2016-08-11 9:55 am
If I had work in the morning I would just usually eat yogurt drink orange juice you know something light because it's too early for me to eat. But if it were in the morning like the timing around 10 , I would usually eat a heavy meal which are pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns, and sausage.
2016-08-16 12:04 pm
cereal and bananas, rasin bran or Walmart brand captain crunch. days I have to go to work I eat poptarts, or waffles with jelly
2016-08-16 3:57 am
I don't like breakfast foods (except fruit and coffee), so I just eat a regular meal or leftovers from the night before. I made a chicken Parmesan sub this morning from leftover chicken parm & a baguette.
2016-08-16 3:12 am
I have three favorite breakfasts:
1) Eggs with meat and some kind of bread
2) Oatmeal
3) Cereal, usually with raisins or bananas

Sometimes I'll vary it and go pancakes, grapefruit, etc.
2016-08-15 11:01 am
Yes, I always eat breakfast and can't skip it. No one should ever skip breakfast, it's not good to and it's the most important meal of the day. Sometimes I have a ham and cheese omelette with whole wheat toast, oatmeal, whole wheat toast with peanut butter, plain yogurt with granola, a fruit smoothie, scrambled eggs with hash brown patties and bacon, organic cereal, an egg sandwhich, etc. I've heard of people mashing up avocado and putting it on whole wheat or rye toast with red paper flakes. Never tried it but it looks good! Hope I gave you some good ideas. ????
2016-08-14 10:43 am
2016-08-14 4:37 am
I don't eat breakfast I wake up about 9:30 eat a about 10:30 Usually frozen then eat again at like 3 then dinner at like 7
2016-08-14 3:56 am
When I do allow myself to have enough time to eat breakfast in the morning, I usually try to keep it healthy so I can feel energized through the morning.

Oatmeal, 3 sunny side up eggs, 2-3 strips of turkey bacon, and a choice of fruit. If I'm in a hurry, I might just have a smoothie or protein shake.
2016-08-13 2:05 pm
I don't eat breakfast I never wake up in time XD
2016-08-13 7:39 am
2016-08-11 2:39 pm
2016-08-11 2:02 pm
Yes, I always have breakfast, usually an egg, poached, scrambled, boiled or fried, with toast and tomato, on Sundays I add bacon and mushroom.
2016-08-11 12:59 pm
I used to always eat breakfast but ever since I got into senior years of highschool and uni I kind of stopped eating until lunch. Now I usually just drink a huge cup of hot chocolate or coffee or any kind of tea with milk added in the morning. Sometimes I like just butter on toast or eggs on toast :) On a summer day I like my crunchy cereal in cold milk. TBH I'll eat anything I feel like eating when I wake up.
2016-08-11 3:23 pm
Sometimes and it's rarely healthy. I'm usually short on time so it's whatever I can eat while getting myself and my kids ready. Chips, cookies, handful of cereal, ... Yesterday I made a better breakfast for the kids since we had time. However due to a medical test I was to have I couldn't eat any of it. Ironic huh...
2016-08-12 1:43 am
OMG of course I eat breakfast!!! Yummy!
I make 2 Apples, 1 orchard, 7 bananas, 1/2 peacock, 3 chamomiles, a whole chocolate fudge cake, 5 butterscotchs, 1/2 mangos, a whole lamb leg, 3 pieces of midget tree, 50dl vodka, 19 eggplants, a whole chinese cabbage, a whole pizza cake, 3 tiny chlorophyl seeds, 100ml olives oil, 26 appenzelers, 6 grass feed sirloin steaks, 2 rainbow cakes, 40g smashed potatoes, 290 croissants, 50ml maple syrup, a whole bibibamp, 3 plates of waffles and ham, 42 cups of coffee 1 glass of nectarine juice and with the smell of my brother's feet after a football match and my mom's bra after sex with my aunt would be perfect ingredients for a The-Great-Land smoothie ;)
2016-08-17 12:10 pm
2016-08-17 4:37 am
Multigrain cheerios with some sort of fruit, yogurt with flaxseed and fruit or a home made smoothie.
2016-08-17 1:14 am
I do eat breakfast, but its typically around 1pm in the afternoon...oh i may mention i work from home and can't eat when i first get up though! I usually have migas or an english muffin with a scrambled egg.
2016-08-16 8:36 pm
Cereal, or a piece of banana
2016-08-16 3:34 pm
Coffee and toast
2016-08-16 5:15 am
Granola bar and water.
2016-08-16 4:13 am
tooooooast toasty toast toast toast toast toast and coffffffffeeeeeeee peanut butter and jam
2016-08-16 4:04 am
Every day, try to at the same time. Eat bread, vegetable, egg.
2016-08-16 12:46 am
OJ- and depends on the day a bagel, waffle, cereal with milk, toast, eggs
2016-08-15 10:50 pm
2016-08-15 9:58 pm
Orange Juice
2016-08-15 9:47 pm
I never really eat breakfast, I usually just have lunch at about 1pm
2016-08-15 7:28 pm
oatmeal on weekdays. Eggs, bacon and toast on the weekends. Mostly.
2016-08-15 6:43 pm
I think waffles with syrup
2016-08-15 5:51 pm
I don't eat breakfast often, but when I do, there is chaos in my plate
2016-08-15 5:13 pm
When I go out to eat I sometimes have pancakes, hash browns,bacon and coffee.
2016-08-15 4:54 pm
cereal and milk, egg and tea
2016-08-15 3:54 pm
Cereal, gluten free, low salt and low sugar. A banana and unsalted nuts on top with skim milk.
2016-08-15 10:02 am
I eat breakfast like chappathi,idly,dosa
2016-08-15 9:43 am
2016-08-15 9:15 am
I have breakfast every day. Usually milk and bread.
2016-08-15 7:07 am
only tea
2016-08-15 6:52 am
Sometimes. Oatmeal.
2016-08-15 5:41 am
I usually had no time for breakfast, and would grab something from the supermarket, on my way, sometimes eat it on the train or while walking. It's crap, though. =============
2016-08-15 3:29 am
Sometimes and it depends on whats available typically its cereal lolol
2016-08-15 3:13 am
Depends, if I'm eating at home I'll usually have something easy like toast or cereal, if I'm in the dining hall at school, I eat eggs or waffles usually... sometimes I like to have a grapefruit with breakfast too
2016-08-15 12:33 am
Dont like breakfast
2016-08-14 10:43 pm
2016-08-14 9:24 pm
Hot cheetos...........????????
2016-08-14 8:58 pm
Waffles or English Muffins :)
2016-08-14 8:45 pm
I had crunchy cakes, coffee with milk and a salad. Delicious.
2016-08-14 8:40 pm
I think it is imperative to have something light. I usually have some cereal
and a cup of tea or cafe'.
2016-08-14 8:11 pm
Yes. My favorite is crab cake eggs benedict. But I don't have a usual in the sense of something that I repeat from day to day. Sometimes, I have crabcake or seafoods eggs benedict, omelets, souffles, breakfast burritos, pancakes, waffles, cereal, brioche and cappuccino, hashbrowns, muffins, ... Today I had berry cheesecake stuffed French toast.
2016-08-14 7:25 pm
bake fish and tea
2016-08-14 7:24 pm
yes. chiken
2016-08-14 7:20 pm
I eat a sausage mc muffin without cheese and a large coffee every morning. I get it at McDonalds of course.
2016-08-14 5:05 pm
2016-08-14 4:55 pm
bacon & egg sandwich .coffee with cake or a buscuit
2016-08-14 4:27 pm
bread and milk
2016-08-14 4:12 pm
2016-08-14 4:09 pm
2016-08-14 3:24 pm
Mostly just on weekends. I have bacon and eggs most of the time..
2016-08-14 2:59 pm
Vagina's and yogurt.
2016-08-14 2:18 pm
Yes I eat a small breakfast, one slice black bread, a matchbox size of cheese, a big cup of black tea with sugar and milk.
2016-08-14 2:05 pm
2016-08-14 1:49 pm
2016-08-14 1:23 pm
Everyday I eat anything like Idli or bread in the morning
2016-08-14 12:17 pm
Yes I normally have porridge
2016-08-14 11:49 am
Cereal mostly, sometimes peanut butter and toast, sometimes toast with nutella, a bowl of warm milk and milo and sometimes orange juice.
2016-08-14 11:04 am
85g alpro plain yoghurt and 25g strawberries <3
2016-08-14 10:22 am
Fruit, yogurt,toast coffee
2016-08-14 10:19 am
yes some time
2016-08-14 10:05 am
2016-08-14 9:48 am
yes cake
2016-08-14 9:33 am
2016-08-14 9:21 am
Very funny question ...of course I eat breakfast daily///
1.Traditional home made parathas with butter or jelly
2. One cup of Tea.
2016-08-14 8:57 am
2016-08-14 8:35 am
ofcourse breakfast is very important and m so much hungry at that time so,,, well i like to eat one apple,bread,omlet,or sandwich sometime.. i love veg cheese grilled sandwich so much :)
2016-08-14 7:04 am
2016-08-14 5:01 am
frozen pizza i weigh 700 ppounds
2016-08-14 4:41 am
During the work week, I have a bowl of cereal, usually Frosted Mini Wheats or some off-brand equivalent. On the days I don't work, I have two eggs, over easy, hash browns and toast.
2016-08-14 4:34 am
I try to have something, like oatmeal or a bagel. Sometimes Mickey Dee's. This morning I had toast with peanut butter, strawberry jam and sliced banana.
2016-08-14 4:02 am
I try to eat breakfast everyday, which often is oatmeal.
2016-08-14 3:37 am
I usually don't have time, but when I do an omelet with orange juice is amazing! Or fruit salad <3
2016-08-14 3:30 am
It depends. Pancakes? Cereal?
2016-08-14 3:05 am
Greek non-fat yogurt, with fresh berries, chopped walnut and wheat germ. along with a cup of coffee, with milk and a fresh 1/2 grapefruit.
2016-08-14 1:30 am
2016-08-14 12:32 am
Bacon and eggs.
2016-08-14 12:04 am
Yes I do and it depends
2016-08-13 11:24 pm
Coffee, two toasted breads and one sunny side egg.
2016-08-13 10:01 pm
Of course, what kind of anorexic doesn't eat breakfast?
2016-08-13 7:52 pm
bread everyday with coffee.
2016-08-13 7:08 pm
yes i have cornflakes for breakfast.
2016-08-13 7:03 pm
2016-08-13 6:48 pm
I usually just have cereal. I don't really have a lot of options, yet on holidays or birthdays we might make pancakes and eggs
參考: Personal experience
2016-08-13 5:54 pm
Tea and pop tarts.
2016-08-13 5:12 pm
No I'm still in bed
2016-08-13 3:40 pm
eggs and rice and coffee????
2016-08-13 11:03 am
I occasionally enjoy breakfast. The time of day varies almost as much as the breathtaking mix of ingredients. For example you might try smearing your ex in acacia honey, dissolving in concentrated sulphuric acid and garnishing with freshly mown garden peas and a straw. Perhaps, on reflection, that's a little bold. Acacia honey is wildly expensive.
2016-08-13 10:35 am
yes i eat breakfast every day.milk and bread
2016-08-13 7:40 am
Any 1 fruit followed by a boiled egg.
2016-08-13 6:09 am
Yes, because it is good for the body
2016-08-13 1:25 am
Yes, oatmeal.
2016-08-12 10:25 pm
Yes. Sometimes just toast. Other time I have eggs over easy and toast or I will have a bowl of cereal with fruit in it and juice with all my meals.
2016-08-12 8:48 pm
Bacon and eggs, hash browns, toast and coffee with a cold glassa milk.
2016-08-12 4:07 pm
Yes, I eat breakfast, but usually around noon. Four olives (in two martinis), a small green salad, broiled or baked fish with new potatoes is fairly representative.
2016-08-12 3:30 pm
2016-08-12 3:04 pm
Mmm banana chocolate almond butter smoothie
2016-08-12 2:41 pm
I eat breakfast each day. What I have varies by the day. Today, it will be cold cereal with fresh fruit.
2016-08-12 2:19 pm
I have breakfast every morning which consists of cereal, a banana and a glass of water.
2016-08-12 1:07 pm
No i didn't have breakfast today!
2016-08-12 11:23 am
I eat breakfast every day. I have have a everything bagel with margarine on it every day for at least 5 years
2016-08-12 11:20 am
yes i ate banana
2016-08-12 10:46 am
Yes, I eat breakfast every day.
2016-08-12 10:42 am
yes, almost every day
2016-08-12 10:10 am
Sometimes. Its usually eggs or cereal.
2016-08-12 9:39 am
I eat breakfast, when I wake up on time sure. I usually have a toast bread butter with eggs or sandwhich serve with tea :)
2016-08-12 9:39 am
Yes, I eat breakfast every day. Usually an egg, bread and milk.
2016-08-12 9:36 am
Most of the time, when i have to go to school or something, i don't have a breakfast cause I'm not hungry at that time. But when I do, it really varies and depends from day to day. Oatmeal, slices of bread, a good brussels waffle, a croissant or just a piece of fruit.
2016-08-12 9:24 am
i love fresh morning i eat many foods in breakfast like bread jam etc
2016-08-12 8:15 am
i am having light breakfast with my diet chart i am having mostly cornflakes, bread jam, fruit juice etc etc
2016-08-12 7:32 am
yes, an apple
2016-08-12 7:15 am
2016-08-12 6:45 am
most days
scrambled eggs, buttered toast, bacon or hash browns and coffee
2016-08-12 6:17 am
2016-08-12 6:12 am
Hell yea. Usually eat jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches and hash browns. Hits the spot
2016-08-12 5:31 am
2016-08-12 5:04 am
2016-08-12 5:00 am
Raw oats, raw honey, raw peanut butter, almond milk (homemade) and ya that's it. Sometimes I put a banana in there & sometimes I do my wife raw
2016-08-12 3:43 am
eggs and soymilk
2016-08-12 3:03 am
Yeah, bread and milk
2016-08-12 2:04 am
When its not on a school day i mostly have an 8 ounce cup of mango smoothie. 1 fried egg. And 1 brown toast w// cream cheese. I also sometimes eat a grilled cheese with coffee. On school days i just drink and ensure plus or some juice.
2016-08-12 1:44 am
yes, bread w honey, yogurt, cream cheese, walnuts and drink tea with it.
2016-08-12 1:36 am
Just a cup of coffee
2016-08-12 1:22 am
Just coffee for me. Eating breakfast makes me feel nauseous and even more hungry through the day!
2016-08-12 1:15 am
I usually eat bananas, pancakes, cereal and oatmeal and waffles with sausage.
2016-08-12 1:14 am
Tea + toast mostly, cereal sometimes, if i'm up late, then just 2 cookies.
2016-08-12 1:05 am
In school days chocolate milk and cheerios. In weekends, oatmeal, chicken soup, and tortillas. ????????????????????????
2016-08-11 11:56 pm
2016-08-11 11:48 pm
Muesli and coffee
2016-08-11 11:17 pm
2016-08-11 10:44 pm
Eggs and bacon.
2016-08-11 9:21 pm
I have protein shakes, but if I want soild food, I like oatmeal or granola/cereal and green tea
2016-08-11 9:20 pm
Bacon eggs and toast
2016-08-11 8:48 pm
Crispix-Cheerios-scrambled eggs with cheddar or ricotta-berries-yogurt-berry yogurt-bacon-bagel-

I could go on, but I made myself hungry. Nice talkin to ya!
2016-08-11 4:32 pm
2 cups of coffee and a banana.
2016-08-11 4:26 pm
Egg whites and V8
2016-08-11 4:24 pm
bacon or sausage and 2 fried eggs, half slice of toast buttered, and black coffee every morning of the year
2016-08-11 3:53 pm
Always, usually bacon & eggs, with toast & coffee.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
2016-08-11 2:05 pm
Yes, today I had two slices of crispbread with cottage cheese and yeast extract, a pear and a kiwi fruit, A cordial and a coffee to drink.
2016-08-11 12:46 pm
Yes. I have a bowl of cereals with milk, and a small fry up or baked beans and sausages.
2016-08-11 12:35 pm
I love breakfast. I always have eggs, usually fried sunny side up in butter til the bottom is super crispy. Usually with avocado and mushrooms, sometimes with bacon. I also always have coffee.
2016-08-11 12:14 pm
rolled oats, stewed rhubarb and natural yogurt tomorrow.
2016-08-11 10:41 am
yes, 2 boiled eggs and a tost
2016-08-11 10:21 am
1/2 cup of egg beaters with spinach, mushrooms, and cheese with a glass of v8 healthy green juice and black coffee
2016-08-11 9:50 am
Not normally no. I just have a cup of tea and a glass of fruit juice.
2016-08-11 9:39 am
i usually dont eat breakfast
2016-08-11 9:25 am
OJ Grits and sausage patty (not Muslim)
2016-08-11 9:24 am
2016-08-11 9:12 am
yes, eggs most days
2016-08-11 9:12 am
Sometimes. If I do, I either have Plus cereal or Vegemite and margarine on toast :)
2016-08-11 9:10 am
1 cup of oatmeal, 4 eggs with turkey bacon, toast with peanut butter and a protein shake.
2016-08-11 9:08 am
2016-08-11 9:08 am
Of course! I love breakfast, it's my favorite meal of the day.
I usually have coffee or green tea with a sandwich or an omelet. Sometime I'd have a cupcake or a muffin instead of the sandwich/omelet.
2016-08-13 8:14 pm
I avoid carbs, I eat veggie with protein.
I eat my breakfast in 3 little portions, each one after 1 or 90 minute.
I lost 70lbs in the last 6 months.
2016-08-11 2:29 pm
I eat a KitKat for breakfast.

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