Is it racist to like trump?

2016-08-11 3:02 am

回答 (19)

2016-08-11 3:06 am
Its Your personal Opinion
Not racist at all
2016-08-11 3:03 am
Democrats are historically racists against blacks.
2016-08-11 3:03 am
2016-08-11 3:11 am
No. Absolutely not. It's racist to like Hillary.
2016-08-11 3:03 am
My hatred for Hillary has caused me to like Trump. Am i racist? no. would a hillary supporter call me racist and sexist? yes. do i give a fck? nahhh
2016-08-11 9:44 pm
No, Trump is not a racist..... He only wanted to deport ILLEGAL immigrants.... and the ban on muslims coming in is to be TEMPORARY.
2016-08-11 3:12 am
If CNN says so ;-)
2016-08-11 3:09 am
No, not at all
2016-08-11 3:08 am
No it's racist to be part of the Neo Nazi party I mean the "former" racist Democrats of Andrew Jackson.
2016-08-11 3:06 am
No, why would it be
2016-08-11 3:17 am
No, but it's clearly racist to like mister obama.

The uneducated and racists will always disagree.
2016-08-11 3:19 pm
These days, that word is being floated around like its going out of style. Democrat playbook these days is if you don't agree with them you are a racist.

It's idiotic. I don't care what people say about me I'm voting for Trump. If you don't like it suck a dick.
2016-08-11 3:15 am
Not only racist, but sexist, xenophobic, pretty much any quality that Trump has.
2016-08-11 3:03 am
It depends. You could just be ignorant, or a dedicated racist supporting Trump.
2016-08-12 10:47 am
2016-08-11 8:29 am
2016-08-12 12:16 am
You're supporting a racist... So doesn't that make you racist?
2016-08-11 3:09 am
The truth is EVERYONE is a racist. So how can it be a bad thing?
2016-08-11 3:09 am
Yes, and also stupid.

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