A frickin' lithium battery exploded in my tiny room when I was in it, and I was wondering how my health would be at risk in multiple ways.?

2016-08-11 2:28 am
So a Lithium Battery (a shitty one from a "CoolPad", which cant be charged at 2 amps exploded in my tiny little 7 by 8 foot room, the reason being is that they have to be treated carefully so they don't "break" faster than 1 day, as usual with chinese garbage) exploded in my little bitty room, and I was nearby when it happened. When I realized it was venting hot fumes and flames, I attempted to pick it up with my hand. Sort of a stupid idea, but you get sorta frazzled when its literally venting 100 degree Celsius fumes in your tiny little room. Anyway, the point is, I'm wondering what I should do to the wall and surrounding things in general in the room to do with "cleansing" them, and I was also wondering what health risks there are with it. I know its not good for you, but I'm no chemist, and I'm just concerned and wondering about my health and want lots of detail about what I should do to purify the air, clean the surrounding things and wall, get a huuuuuuuuuge black burn mark out of the rug, what I should with myself, considering my head was practically beside the stream of hit fumes and the health hazards and stuff

回答 (1)

2016-08-11 3:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
There's nothing especially harmful in lithium batteries, and it's all water soluble. So wash your hands. Take a shower if necessary. Air out the room by opening the door (and windows, if any). Wash the surfaces with water (soap won't help much) and rinse well. The black mark on the rug is probably permanent, but you might try putting it through one of the large washing machines at the laundromat just to get the residual gunk out of it, provided the rug is made of something washable.

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