so my iPhone is disabled for 24,328,843 minutes. how many days or years even is that?

2016-08-11 1:30 am

回答 (5)

2016-08-11 2:31 am
24,328,843 / 60 = 405,480 Hours

/ 24 = 16,895 Days

/ 365 = 46.3 years
2016-11-09 9:24 pm
46...2877530441 years
16895...0298611 days
2016-08-11 1:30 pm
46.2877530441 years
16895.0298611 days
2016-08-11 3:33 am
I'll give you the method.

You do the math.

60 minutes X 24 hours =

24 hours X 365 days =

Divide the lock time by the result.

You might as well figure on being sort of old when it unlocks.
2016-08-11 1:31 am
Google it

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:33:57
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