Why is murder illegal?

2016-08-10 7:10 am
If someone gets murdered, they die. If someone doesn't get murdered... they still die eventually. So what's the big deal? Why is murder illegal if it's going to kill them just as old age would?

回答 (10)

2016-08-10 7:34 am
If you do not realize the difference between having your life stolen from you, cut short and dying of old age, naturally, or of a disease that ran a natural course, then there is something wrong with you. Think about it. Hopefully, it will come to you.
2016-08-11 11:19 am
I kinda agree where YOU'RE concerned!
2016-08-10 7:24 pm
The difference is that murder is an unnatural death. In other words, it is the deprivation of life before that life's due period. This is true in and of itself, thus why it is universally accepted as being.

If murder were legal, then how would you feel knowing that, at any moment, I could eradicate your existence simply because I do not like you? And, this may not necessarily be that I have had anything against you for a long time, it could be a spur of the moment kind of feeling.

You are only one person. Imagine if billions of people worldwide had felt this way and were allowed the freedom to exercise their darkest desires, even the ones that are on a whim. There must be order.
2016-08-10 9:38 am
How would you like to be murdered before your natural time comes? There's your answer why it has always been considered a crime.
2016-08-10 7:40 am
Well that person could have lived longer and everyone's lives is valuable. Not only had you just end a life but you've also left family members and friends of that individual grieving of their death.
2016-08-10 7:31 am
Because the offender is an asshole
2016-08-10 7:15 am
because nothing can stop age, as it's a natural force of nature. However, forcefully taking a person's life away is not right. Ending someone's life takes away all the opportunities available to them in the future. That's why it's illegal. Murderers do not get to choose when someone dies. This question is like asking "why do we eat if we're going to die eventually anyway? I mean might as well starve to death now before we die of old age, right?" no, please tell me your question is not serious anyway
2016-08-10 7:12 am
If someone steals your car, its gone, if they dont you sell it eventually. so whats wrong with them stealing your car?

its because you're ending their life years before it would have ended otherwise. I hope you're one of the mindless sheep trolls, or else this is just sad
2016-08-10 2:04 pm
Murder is the definition of an illegal killing. Murder is illegal because it's literally the definition of an illegal act.

What you probably mean to ask is "Why is it illegal to kill someone", but you don't even know the definitions of the words you are using.
2016-08-10 8:05 am
A lot of our basic laws are based on English Common Law. Developed in the mid 1700s, English Common Law is the basis for nearly all legal systems used in the world today. Common law defines murder as a "Public Wrong" and an act that is evil within itself. In fact, murder (homicide) is one of the few acts that does not require specific detailing as to why it is considered a crime. Other crimes like robbery or rape (in Common Law) are given lengthy descriptions as to why the act is considered a crime. Murder on the other hand is considered by Common Law to be a pure form of evil and thus does not require further detail as to the merits of its criminality. Basically it comes down to the fact that murder is so bad, that it is by definition a crime, no further details needed. As legal systems advanced through the centuries, Common Law was adapted (and even copied) to create the legal systems of today. Since murder was considered by common law to be the pinnacle of evil, it's definition and illegality has changed very little over time. We have however adopted certain exceptions such as giving soldiers the right to kill enemy combatants, or home owners the right to use lethal force in self defense, as well as giving governments and appointed persons the right to execute capital punishment (death penalty) and in some places euthanasia (Dr. assisted suicide). Laws also create an exception for self inflicted suicide not to be labeled as murder despite the fact that taking your own life does fit the common law definition of murder.

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