I need help my dad got stopped by the cops for having fake inspection stickers it wasn t his fault i live in new Jersey?

2016-08-09 11:37 pm
So my dad went to a auto part shop that said they were certified to inspect your car and they inspected his car they put the sticker on and later he gets pulled over by the police they gove him 6 tickets saying he had fake inspection stickers and that it was violation of the laws and my dad told the officer were he got it from and that the people said they were certified so the officer tells my dad to report them so we go to the police station we try to report the people so that my dad doesn t lose his license but the police say we have to go to motor vehicle to report the people we go and motor vehicle says we have to report them to the police we go back and the police say that they cant its not a criminal act so i need help my dad has to go to court on the 16 of this month the bad part is the people that inspected the cart didn t give my dad a recipe someone can help!!!???

回答 (6)

2016-08-09 11:40 pm
He needs a lawyer, nothing we could tell you here would help him in court
2016-08-11 4:40 pm
He needs to consult an attorney.
2016-08-10 3:01 am
It IS his fault and he KNEW the stickers were phony.
2016-08-10 1:28 am
get your documentation and get before a judge;

dad will prob walk
2016-08-09 11:39 pm
get a lawyer
2016-08-09 11:54 pm
let your Father handle his own matters

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